To Yukigakure- Mamoru


It was a little surprising (and somehow not) to find Keisuke in the corner on the floor when Mamoru came to. Hm.

"Keisuke-kun." Mamoru said, pulling on his clothes as he glanced out of the window. "We'll be leaving soon."

His comrade's answer was immediate, which unnerved the silverette for a moment, "'Kay." To be completely honest, he gave off the feeling that he'd been awake for a little while before then, but Mamoru didn't ask about it, nor did he ask why the brunette was on the floor instead of in his former bed.

After a few minutes, he quietly ventured to Kimiko's room and knocked on her door. "Heichou, are you awake?"

"In a minute~" Came the reply, and Mamoru smiled a bit. Though that hadn't been the exact answer to his question, it was good enough.

Once the three were out and about, Mamoru said, "It shouldn't take less than a couple of hours from here, on foot."

This earned a nod from Keisuke, who stretched. "If we push it, we'll cut that time in half."

"Quit flaunting your training with Gai-sensei." Mamoru grumbled, though his displeasure manifested in a pout that only made him seem less threatening.

"Ugh, this isn't a time sensitive mission, Keisuke." Kimiko agreed.

He shot Kimiko a look of displeasure, though his attention quickly shifted to Mamoru. "Awww, Moru~ Are you jealous?" Keisuke was nearly snuggling the silverette as he said this, but Kimiko stopped them both.

"Quit flirting, boys," she said, suddenly back on track, "I know a fast and easy way in."
