woa woa woa....it's been such a long time since the last time i was here D:
i mean since i posted anything here xD
well truth to be told...a lot happened in my life...not so positive as i thought but its finally getting better -__-
I'm now really busy with the university and with my problems that seemed never to end,but tnx god even that is kinda going to end.
I meet so many new people and i finally got to understand myself better,to see that i'm not so bad as other make me feel...i guess i finally really started to grow up (yes i know that im already old xD).But im grateful for the people i met..they changed me and showed me that I am loved <3
And i got a new flash...the pairing : Mukuro&Hibari from Katekyo Hitman Reborn *_* a friend totally obsessed me with it *sigh*
I gotta say anime/manga/Music are still my 'soul' savers
no matter how old ill get,it will stay a part of me and get me through this sometimes hard reality xDD
I hope u are all doing good!wish u all the best and wanted to tell u all :love ja <3
---and ok im a OTAKU ETRNAL NOW!!mwuhahahahaha *doesnt even know what the hell does that mean-but it sounds pretty cool....and eternal xDD*
Well...i just realized that i havent written here for som reallllly loooong time .___.'
i hope that all of you are doing fine,that u are healthy and happy :D
with me...well im not that good -_-' got a lot of S**** lately..from personal life up to school.I'm kinda lost in my own feelings,dunno what to feel anymore or how....*sigh*
.Right now im studying german language at the university here,and i have to say its damn hard :')
SO i hope u are all fine!!take care ja! *hugs for all*

a lil poem i wrote :

Clown Girl
Sometimes Life feels like
a bad written comedy show,
looking around,
no i can't smile no more.
This poor comedy show,
I cannot play my role anymore.
I'm heading for the breakdown
there is no way back!
Heading for the breakdown
I lost my smile.
I lost my mind.
Like clowns we paint our faces,
and put on a smile.
Who can act the best,
tell me.........
can you recognize,
when i'm smiling from my heart,
or when i'm just playing a clown.
I'm heading for the breakdown
there is no way back!
Heading for the breakdown
I lost my smile.
I lost my mind.
So tell me that i'm safe,
while i head for the breakdown.
Only you can make it feel like its alright.
well...just wanted to let u know..that i will take a time out from theotaku ....i just now..had a really nice brekdown ...and i dont know if ill be able to draw anything at all for some time.
hope u all are at least doing ok,take care..and ...
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i just wanted to let u know that i'm back
And that i had a lotto mucho grande funnnn *3*

I tell you people...there is nothing better then with ur beloved one to walk the whole day over shopping centers no matter the weather!!!!!
SO yes as i said...it was just a really beautiful experiance for me,even if in the beggining there were a bit of problems with the train ._.' (first time that i went on one alone xD) ,but hei ...i freaking found my way to my hun (like smthing could stop me from that! )
And the first moment i saw this beautiful person....i have to say....my brain got a black out...i didnt know what to say...what to do...how to walk xDDD....jep i admitt...i was so nervous >.<!
But the first night was really niceeee...where we talked into the morning...like we were always together like this,like we saw eachoter everyday and this was just somthing we do
The days that came were unique and beautiful too....you know when u get up every morning...make few steps and there is the person u love..sitting on the chair...and u just wanna hug and kiss them sensless?.....yep thats a freaky nice feeling,that you know that they are just a door away
And the musical in hamburg was so the killer.....so the killer itell you....its amazing how they made the play...the music...everyting alltogether fitted.
I think..it was ...no wait..it is the first time that i feelt just...at HOME....not like u have it here with your family and you think hei...its home.....but you just feel that yes...this is where you belong,with all that comes
It is definitlly one of the things that i will never forget....and i have to admit..the time just flew by....the 8days were like a blink of an eye...we still wanted to do a lot of things...but yeah....its not the last time i visit her thats for sure!!!!
I loved every moment we spent together...no mwtter what we did...if we just made fun...talked...drank coffe...every minut..every second was just so important,lovely,beautiful,unique and not beeing able to be compared to anything else <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
And i really miss to hold her in my arms again *sigh* ˇ-ˇ
The way I feel for you
I can't describe
It's almost too intense
To verbalize
Essentially you're all
I'm living for
but basically each day
I need you more and more
So dear people...i just wanted you to know that im leaving for some time now...a week or so im going to visit my hun in austria...after 2 years.....damn...i cant believe its actually 2years <3, and then we are going a bit to germany too ....i freaking cant wait for it *jumpsupanddown* even if they say that it will be rainy...i so dont give a damn xDD let it rain ,let it pour....little iza will enjoy it!
But gotta say im a bit nervous...its first time im going so far away on my own...and with a train....but hell ill make it
And all of u...take care...have a good time....and yeah...see ya