Rainy Days~

HOORAY!! It's all cold and rainy outside!!! =D
I just got back in from running around in the rain; it smells so good! X3
I love it when the weather is like this~
I just don't care much for the fact that everyone else won't quit bitching about it. =__='' They act like it doesn't do any good (and like they'll melt if they have to go out in it)!
I have this really big pull-over hoodie that probably weighs more than I do it's so freaking heavy... But boy is it comfortable! 8D I wore it outside and it took the rain more than ten minutes (and it's pouring non-stop) to soak through the shoulders of that thing! It normally only takes three (in this kind of weather) for my other hoodies to be dripping all over! =3 I feel kind of bad though, because I don't think the bat pattern liked the rain too much. =/ Oh well.

I can type AND doodle AT THE SAME TIME!! Oh yeah! I'm a dork cool! xD

