We all have dreams.
We all have dreams.
Shi-chan got tagged by Mr. Jack and Kaede-chan so she's gonna have to do this too. Oh well, here goes:
25 things about Shi-chan!
1. Shi-chan loves Oreos! V. tasty! :3
2. Music rules Shi-chan's life. She can't be without it!
3. Shi-chan will get a black belt in karate. She's halfway there.
4. Shi-chan can't imagine life without manga and anime! It would be so...boring. No Vampire Knight?! No Naruto?! No way.
5. Shi-chan wants to buy some curlers so that she can make her hair go curleeee!! Sometimes, straight hair bores Shi-chan -_-
6. Shi-chan bites her knucles when she's nervous or embarassed or stuffs like that. Nom-nom
7. Shi-chan loves to sing soooooo much!!!! ....she likes violin too, then piano, but singing is first! Oh, and long as it is a nice song! Shi-chan likes lots of different music though, so it probably will be.
8. Shi-chan couldn't function without her friends. Specially Kaede-chan and Jack-Jack and Mallak
9. Shi-chan wants it to snow otherwise there's no point it so cold. If there's no snow, then it should be warm and sunny!
10. Shi-chan is shy. -///-
11. Shi-chan gets confused by life. And her feelings. And stuffs like that.
12. Shi-chan hates homework and coursework and stuffs! She has so much, she is soo behind and she is panicking!!!
13. Shi-chan loves listening to the Fray. Especially the new single 'You found me'. It rules!!!!
14. Mr. Jack is Shi-chan's official rave buddy!
15. Kaede-chan is Shi-chan's official best buddy!
16. Kaede-chan thinks that Shi-chan is turning into a chav. Personally, Shi-chan doesn't think she could ever become a chav. Its just cos Shi-chan saw these cool surf trainers which Kaede-chan called chav shoes
17. Shi-chan needs her hair cut soon :(
18. Shi-chan's fave colour is orange!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19. Shi-chan doesn't like mean bullies.
20. Shi-chan does like fish!
21. Shi-chan wants to try some Ben and Jerry's phish food ice-cream! It sounds so tasty XD
22. Arty stuff are the things Shi-chan likes doing best!
23. Shi-chan loves sleeping. She doesn't like getting into bed or out of bed, but she likes the sleeping bit in the middle
24. Shi-chan wants to draw manga for ever!!!!
25. Shi-chan would love to become a manga-ka
Righty ho, whoever reads this is TAGGED!!!! That means you have to write 25 things about you too! Hahahaha. Meh.
The evil side of Kaede-Chan ):)
Urghy, Shi-chan went to the dentist today and got her tooth pulled out! Yucky! The nubming stuff was really weird and they get a big needle and and and....yeh well then they go 'push down on this' then Shi-chan does and then OWWWWW!!! .....It came out with a clicky noise and now her mouth is still numb...Shi-chan still can't feel her top lip
Phooey...Yucky anywas it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would..thankfully...PHOOEY TO HORRIBLE DENTIST SURGERIES AND BIG HORRIBLE NEEDLES!!!
OMG thankyou to everyone who has subscribed and/or signed the GB!!! 30 may not be alot to some poeple but to Shi-chan, its alot! Soz that Shi-chan doesnt reply but she wants her GB just to be other sigs, not her own....Anyways, a big big THANKING YOU to everyone who has made Shi-chan feel special!!!!! Kays then, Shi-chan will work hard to try and keep up to peoples expectations!! See you!
~Shi-chan signing off~