We all have dreams.

There's more to life than chocolate biscuits~

I dunt even like choclate biscuits much, cosplay is more my thing :D

There is alot that happened. It was great in the middle~

Holding grudges sucks really ^ ^ Like holding a melting ice cream - ewww-face T3T

Pfft, I have made SO many mistakes, it's ridiculous.

Sometimes, the word sorry comes in handy.
I'll say it now for good measure.

But, things change. Life goes on~

-Woo, I feel like I'm doing a pep talk xD Gooo team!-

Friends are always there, that's what's so good about them. I'll always be there, whatever (:

All the words that we have to say

They don't leave when the moment comes, we know we have to wait.(8)

Bye Otaku, I dont think Im gonna post on you much more.

Don't worry, I'll send postcards


Theres a bomber in me too (8)

Is there anyone out there?


Nah, didnt think so (:

Bring on the summer.

These are the things I think but I will never tell (8)

Dear Otaku,
It is rather sad that noone else is here.
Everyone's sad at the mo, tbh.

Im a bit confused myself.

Ah well.
Smileysmiley, Shi-chan is signing off.

Will you be the only one,

wait for me? (8)

Can it go on like this?