Lyrics: Its a kiss that sits upon her lips, and waits for planes and battleships
Learnt: I like mallak's puppet
Mood: Dont wanna homework :L
Well, Today was mallak's bday! Happy bday mallak ^^ He got a really awesome puppet :D
Hm...well this is what happened.
Shi-chan got new shoes today, but they look really flimsy :( So, when mallak took her to the cliffs, she had to be careful not to break them ... which meant she couldnt do the whole scarmbling up and down stuff, she had to keep her distance while mallak did it ... and then she ended up nearly falling off the cliff anyway, and only managed to catch herself on a branch just before the edge ^^' So, mallak, sorry I kept going on about my shoes, its just I didnt want to completely waste a whole lotta money, cos shoes cos alot :L
And...well, mm, thassit. Also, Shi-chan really needs to stop smiling so much! She cant stop sometmies, and I reckon some people then think its forced, which its not. She just cant help it ^-^ But smiles do get in the way sometimes ... ^^' lol
See ya
Happy Bday