Im not wearing un-der-wear todaaaay, no Im not wearing un-der-wear todaaaay, not that you really care, about my underwear, but-
Jack...underwear O.o
Its Jack and Shi-Chan, reporting for duty ^0^ Songs are for today, so youre gonna get lots of them ^-^ ... Everything that is on the right is Shi-Chan speaking and left is Jack. Centre/italics is lyrics :3.
Feels like I'm falling in love alone, Stella, won't you take me home?
Jack: Well, me and Shi-Chan are at our other cousin's house. We're having deep and meaningful conversations. And trouble with the keyboard ¬_¬
Hello Seattle, I am a mantaray deep beneath the blue waves
Shiii: JACK IS CONSUMING ALCOHOL!! :O Im not ^-^ Jack+5years+alcohol=Funny drunk Shi-chan+~years+alocohol= <apparantly> clumsy drunk XD
Jack: No, I am not having alcohol. Just shandy >______>
So don't pretend to, not love me at all
Jack: We met our... Cousin's girlfriend's neice. She's a... Lot of words. Many of them not good ): She's a bit of a... A...
Shii: *refrains jack from using naughty words* Shes not very original...a clone of sorts ¬_¬
Jack: O: She's a superspy!!
If the clouds dont clear, then we'll rise above them
Shiii: I PUT MY CONVERSE-FOOTED FOOT IN APUDDLE!! T_T Nuu, it got wet :( All soggeh ... Was climbing on the groynes at the beach ... hehe...Jack's got new CONVERSES <3 I want red ones...
Jack: ...*getting beaten up*....
Shiiii: O.O
Now we have a short interlude~~~
Jack: Oh god my sister is just so mean to me. She randomly came in and attackered me with the sellotape. And stuck it to my head. And I had to fight her off.
Shiii: And i was scared :)
Check yes Juliet, kill the limbo, I'll keep tossing rocks at your window.
Jack: Tries to give himself a mustache with tape :L
If I could find the words I would speak them, Then I wouldn't be tongue-tied when I looked into your eyes
Shiii: Jack is being a fool. He's ripping off sticky tape where he has no mustache :L *makes total sense ^^' * Im going to see avenue q!!! And JAck isnt!! :D He just asked me to stick a sticky mustache on ... and its so funneeeee! XDXD Extra tape 'to secure it' XDXD I think everyone's tipsyy :S
We are not what you think we are, we are golden
Shiii: No we're not! im orange ^-^
Jack: And Im yellow! Omnomnom... *has peeled off his monobrow...ouchy*
The silence isn't so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad, cos in between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.
Shiii: Parrently, jack looks 'hot' He looks like an orangutan to me :/ Hes backcombed his hair. Hot orangutan? With glasses? Remind you of anyone? That would be jack :D
Jack: Ouchy. Backcombing my hair hurts. But as they say; No pain; No hotness. Or something like that >_>
I'm a real big fan of yours, but I'm quite the joke to you
Jack: Shii is being boring. She isn't doing much. But she is quite the fail. She just said to someone "SOMEONE ELSE WHO LOOS" When she meant "Someone else who lools!" Which was a fail. And she keeps on nearly falling off the chair :D
It sucks to be youuuuuu on Avenue Q *which Shi-chan is going to see and Jackjack isnt XD*
And thats all for now folks~!
Brought to you by
Shi-asaurus Rex and Jackazor.
[[Hope you have a nice day.]]
Blue eyes, blue eyes, whatsa matter with you?