Tagged by Jack

STEP ONE: Spell your name with songs

S - Sing My Best (Plain White Tees)
H - How To Save A Life (The Fray)
I - I Want You Now (The Feeling)

C – Chelsea Dagger (The Frattelis)
H – Hand Open (Snow Patrol)
A – About You Now (Sugarbabes <Yes, the sugarbabes, but it is a good song>)
N – Numb (Linkin Park)


– Name: Shizuku Yukimitchi
– Birth date: Sometime before the new millennium xD
– Nickname: Shi-chan
– Eye Color: Brown
– Hair Color: Dark Brown
– Zodiac Sign: Leo


–The shoes you wore today: Blue summery pumps
– Your weaknesses: Guilt TT_TT
– Your fear(s): Failing, making people sad, losing what means most
– Your perfect pizza: Cheese and sausage xD lol
– Goal you’d like to achieve: Become a manga novelist or (more likely) find the right guy, marry him and have kids


– Your best physical feature: I dont know ... Dont really think any of them to be honest
– Your bedtime? 10:30 usually to 11:00
– Most missed memory? Like 'best memory'? Spending a summery spring day on the beach with him <3

This Or That…

– Pepsi or Coke? None. Yucky ><
– McDonald’s or Burger King: Mcdonalds XD
– Adidas or Nike: Dont mind...theyre both chavvy but if for sportswear then it doesnt matter
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: NONE ... never tried lol
– Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
– Cappuccino or coffee: Yucky caffiene.

Do You…

– Smoke: NO WAY.
– Sing: Yeah ^^
– Dance: Yup.
– Take a shower everyday: ... every alternate ^_^'
– Have a crush: Yes.
– Do you think you’ve been in love?: I am ^^
– Want to go to college: Yes.
– Like(d) high school: Its okay.
– Get motion sickness: Dont think so
– Think you’re attractive: Not particularly...
– Think you’re a health freak: No way.
– Get along with your parents: Mostly.

In the past month…

– Gone to the mall: Yup.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Oh yes XD
– Eaten Sushi: No, last Christmas
– Been on stage: Yah
– Gone skating: No, but want to ><
– Made homemade cookies: Cant cook lol
– Gone Skinny dipping: Nope.
– Stolen anything: No!


– Played a game that required removal of clothing: No Way!
– If so, was it mixed company: NEVER EVER!!!
- Flashed anyone: NO!!!! o.O
– Been beaten up: Thankfully not.
– Shoplifted: Nope.


– Age you hope to be married: Dunno, not too old..
– Number of Children: 3
– Describe your Dream Wedding: I dont really think that far ahead...but a really nice flowy dress ^^
– What country would you most like to visit? Japan!!

In the opposite sex..

– Best eye color?: I dont mind...brown?
– Best hair color?: Brown, though it doesnt matter as long as they have a nice personality ^^
– Short hair or long hair?: Long-ish...short makes them look like they think they're hard lol <only really short hair though, like buzz cut or whatever>
– Height: Not shorter (though its harder being shorter than me lol)


– Number of people I could trust with my life: Bout 3.
– Number of CDs that I own: None really, I use my mp3
– Number of tattoos: None, they look b-a-d
– Number of piercings: Earlobes.

Personal Quiz

Who were you with yesterday? Jasmine.
What woke you up this morning? My alarm clock.
Where are you? Living room.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Not particularly an amzing day, to be honest.
Do you like anybody? Yes <3 I love them muchly.


Ever thrown up in public? Think so...a while ago...
Passed out because of alcohol? Dont drink!
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? Him <3


What kind of home would you like? Somewhere with enough rooms.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Manga artist or animator.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? At uni probably.


Do you like candy necklaces? Not really, they get you all sticky.
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? Today ont he way to school, I tripped over a slap in the pavement XD
Do you listen to music every day? Yes.
Do you still go trick or treating? No, Im not allowed
What was the last thing you ate? An apple.
Are you a fast typer? Yuppo.
Whats your favorite type of soda? Lilt.
Have you ever moved? Yup.
Have you ever won an award? Yah.
Are you listening to music right now? Some silly 'relaxing music'....
How long ’till your birthday? Not very long ^^
When were you the saddest in your whole life? I dont really now...try not to get sad...
What time is it? Night time.
Do you use ebay to buy or sell? Not really.
Who makes you mad? People who complain alot and are hypocrites (though, I am kinda a hypocrite ><) and people who moan all the time and wallow in self pity etc. Cos Im just like GET ON WITH LIFE hehe ^_^'

Have you ever heard a song written about you? No...
Something you want to happen in 2009? Spend some amazing time with him ^^
Summer 2009? Spend most of it with him <3
Honestly, do you miss 2008? A bit, but I like 2009 too.


1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? White...
2. Honestly, whats on your mind? Mallak ^^
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? Waiting for him to finish changing computers and come back online.
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Not too bad....
8. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Mallak , I think <3
9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Yes.
10. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? Family somtimes ><
11. Honestly, do you bite your nails? Nope.
12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? No.
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Yuppo! Wanna see him now ><
14. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? Not really ..
15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? Yes.
17. Honestly, are you in denial? Dont think so...
18. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? Naw.
19. Honestly, do you like anyone? Yes.
20. Honestly, does anyone like you? Yeah, well think so XD


1. What do you do when you’re mad? Hit things...people...me
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Hit someone, kicked someone, broke something etc
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yus, then I felt really bad :(
4. Do you swear when you’re mad? No, swearing is bad.

1.When was the last time you actually cried? A few days ago...
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? When I was younger, and rebelled against my parents XD I was sorted out and now Im a good girl ^^
3. Do certain songs make you cry? Nope, only if Im already sad and close to crying in the first place.
4. What usually makes you cry? It takes alot.

1. Are you usually a happy person? I try to be, at least, I pretend to be when Im not actually happy ^^
2. What makes you the happiest? Friends...the one I love ^^
3. Do you believe in yourself? Not always
4.When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? Yup, but sometimes I find it hard to believe them...

That was fun ^^
