Hehe, today was alrighteee.
Was kinda melancholy this morning, cos Shi-chan had the song 'its a fine, fine line' from 'avenue q' stuck in her head <and missing her loveee> ... it was making her sad TT_TT But then after school she met Mallak execpt she was wearing her silly sunglasses and, cos she needs glasses, she cant see anything out of them except blobs. Sooo when Mallak came along and waved, she thought he was waving at someone else cos she didnt know it was him cos he looked like a blob on legs XD! Hehe so when someone shouted Mallak, she decided to put her glasses back on and, lo and behold, it was a Mallak!!! <3 Hehe ... then Shi-chan had to curl her hair for a show rehursal which was okay, except it took ages and she didnt manage to do the back ^^' And then the rehusal went on for ages but by the time we went on Shi-chan just wanted to get rid of the energy so it was all okay and e-n-t-h-u-s-i-a-s-t-i-c!! XDXD Lol .. Avenue Q Yay!
Gah, Shi-chan was missing Mallak like mad this morning. Want you here now >.< Loveeeeee loveeee you too! ^^ xxxxxxx