
Hello! Just another quick announcement.

The main part of our RP will most likely be taking place on Charat--But, that's just the in-character part! We need a chat where we can conduct out-of-character conversation as well, for both out of and during the RP. This is a place where you can ask pressing questions that can't be answered IC, tell us when you're gonna be away during trials, BOND WITH EACH OTHER, etc. We're creating this in order to cut down on OOC clutter within the main chat, because neither of your wonderful leaders want to clean that crap out when we start logging the chats.

So, it'd be really cool if you guys could give us your Skype names so that we can add you to the chat! It's optional, but highly encouraged!

You can either comment with your Skype name here, or send it to KeybladeMewKasa via PM!
(Or, if you just wish to add me instead, my Skype is alysomethingorother. Let me know who you are, though!)

Thank you and prepare for despair!
