Ding! Ding! Ding!
Good evening, abominables!
In case you sooooomehow fished it, SHSL Architect, Morioka Kaede, was found guilty of brutally murdering our dear silent heroine, SHSL Mime, Kamada Shizuka! What a plot twist--I still can't believe she's six feet under the snow! And gee, what an execution for our culprit, right? I wonder why sno one plays Angry Birds anymore... Anyway! I will be sending you all a Climax Inference to your IDs soon, in case you were curious about how our dear Mori truly committed his crime.
Ah... what other information was I supposed to plow into your skulls?
--Oh, yes!
YOU ABOMINABLES CAN NO LONGER USE MY SPECIAL KEY. Remember how I said it was like a genie in a bottle? You guys got three uses! Morioka used it twice, and Yonamine (well, technically Tamaka...) used it once! Unless my math is waaaay off (which I can assure you, it never is), that's three! So don't even think about asking to use it for anything unless you wish to suffer Monoguin's wrath!
Also, THE VENTILATION SYSTEM IS OFF LIMITS. Honestly, it was never really all that accessible to begin with, but I suppose that with determination and believing in yourself, one of you skinny weenies could have made it work! Alas, now you all will have to get around the lodge like normal people! If you try to crawl through the vents now, you'll find that I've placed immovable, impassable grates throughout the air ducts. And if you try to destroy these grates, there may be a terrible accident. Remember, I see everything! Brbrbheeehe!
Lastly, on a much lighter note, you'll see that I've updated your maps to include some new areas to explore-! Ahh... actually I'm not sure if I technically ever gave you the maps to begin with, but you guys did some exploring on your own, so I guess you all figured it out okay!
Floor One:
Student Rooms
Dining Room
Ski Equipment Room (New!)
Mini Theatre (New!)
Gift Shop (New!)
Linen Closet/Cleaning Closet (New!) brbrbrrr don't even think about trying to do the hanky panky in there, you hormonal hellions!
There are maaany more rooms in the lodge just waiting to be unlocked! Hey, how about this? After every trial, I'll open up a new set of areas for you guys! Next up, the second floor! There are some goodies up there that I'm sure you're all dying to see. Brbrbrrrrheehee!
Hmm... I think that's everything! Sorry for shoveling everything on you abominables at once, but that's the way the snowball crumbles. Anyway, it's late, and I need my beauty sleep, so goodnight! Night Time has begun!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
The above is just a fun way to do certain announcements that we'll (or more likely myself aka alykasawhatsmynameagain-) do every now and then. It'll further things you can and can't do while in-character for murders or during Free Time Events, and will also give SOME sort of time progression. I suppose this would be... Day 3 into Day 4? So, if you're doing FTEs, it'd be cool to label which day they occured on, maybe? Or it can just be a way to keep up with how long our poor babies are stuck in despair. Brbr...brrrr...
The culprit and victim for Chapter 2 have been chosen! You two know who you are~ Get crack-a-lackin, and don't hesitate to ask either harvestmoonluvr and/or myself for help on your case if you need it! We'll be glad to help! Since school is starting for everyone once more, we'll understand if it takes a while to get your case finished! Practically speaking, it should only take a couple of hours to get a base case down, but the fine tuning may take a while! You guys have a google doc set up, so whenever you've got an idea about something, feel free to write it down and bounce ideas off of each other! It may also be wise to set up some sort of meeting time with each other to discuss things, just to make it slightly easier!
Second, if you have any suggestions on how to make investigations and trials run more smoothly, let us know! We're all for ideas that'll make it easier on you guys. We already figured out that communication between Monoguins during investigations is key so that we don't have conflicting information, or miss out on kind of important details (REEEEEEALLLY SORRY ABOUT THAT- ;o; darn lamp. darn footprint. darn everything-), but we are willing to take into consideration any other ideas you guys may have! Did the turn system mostly work? Would you guys liked to have had second turns before we just went into full debate about certain topics? How was being split up into groups for investigations? Give us feedback!
Third, the motive/incentive for Chapter 2 will be released... as soon as I get around to writing a post for it! It's a pretty good one (or we think so, at least-), so look forward to it!
Fourth, remember that if you'd like to be a narrator for Chapter 2 or future chapters, let us know!
Lastly, if you were unable to attend the trial, or wish to change/add other dialogue and such on the behalf of your character, don't forget about the doc!
Thanks everyone, you're all awesome!