I realized, I had one of the few rare Saturdays off that I manage to get. You know what I spent the day doing? I was stressing myself and worrying myself to death just like I wind up doing a lot of the time. Except I wore myself out, and I gave myself a headache. It's pretty sad when the same people have to remind me day in and day out that they love me just to keep me sane. If I'm not careful, I'm going to die of stress. I don't need to do this to myself. I think after this post, I may post some in the RP thing I do, and listen to music, but that's it. I need to destress and calm myself down.
lol What's funny is, even superheroes wind up stressing themselves out. Sometimes, I feel like I'm kind of like Reed Richards from The Fantastic Four. Now, I'm nowhere near as intelligent, and I didn't attend MIT, but man... even in school I nearly killed myself with worry. In fact, that was the reason I almost quit school. If it hadn't have been for my dad, I would've quit school. It was that bad.