Good Grief

Okay, so I wrote a letter to our congressman today explaining some things I think need changing. Don't know what good that'll do. If I actually hear back from them, I'll be like, "Omg wow!" but yeah, I hope to see some changes in the near future.

The other thing. Twice in a row, I have gotten off twenty minutes late. I'm sorry, but from now on, if I work till ten, and it's 8:00, if at all possible, I'm not doing self-checkout. Nope. Not since they can't get me off on time. And, I refuse to take 40 minutes off my lunch. They better let me go early one day.

And dumb college kids should be escorted out of that place. Yes, I will refer to them as kids because only kids do stuff that stupid in the wheel chair carts. I was actually kind of nervous. If I had've been CSM, I would've been calling our security and asked to have them taken out of the store. I'm sorry, but it's ridiculous. I'd tell them to go play at the park or maybe at some kiddie play area. Please... act like civilized people or get out.

Oh... btw, I actually have something creative I can share! :D

Sometime soon, I might be posting some of my Doctor Who fanfic stuff and see what you guys think.

*Maybe it should be anime, but Doctor Who is just as good as anime imo.*
