Why can't I just get a decent paying job and a forty-hour work week? That's all I want. Is that really so much to ask? Apparently, it is. I thought about going back to school and doing computer information technology, but honestly, it sounds like it wouldn't be much better than the situation I'm in now. I was going to apply for a job, and then guess what? I make it to like the second step and then it comes up with a page that doesn't have a next button, arrow button or anything. It just stops with a bunch of empty space. Now, after I get off from work tomorrow, I'll have to go down to the unemployment office and hope that guy I talked to or someone from the place I was applying to is there and see if I can fill out the application there, which could take like an hour or more to do. I know I'll have to suck it up and do it, it's just I was hoping to be able to fill out the application today before going to bed. Oh well... Oh, and I seriously hope it's not varying, crazy shifts like I have now. I really don't want that if I can keep from it. I'd like to have a set schedule. My boyfriend says it's varying shifts, but that guy said it's a set schedule. However, finding a forty hour job with a set schedule is really difficult, especially when you live in an area where the majority of jobs are in retail, grocery or restaurants. I had a chance at another job, but we figured driving expenses and cost of living, and it wouldn't work out. My paycheck would be a hare more than what I'm making now. I know I don't have it as bad as others, but really... why...?
Life sucks and affording to live in it is ridiculous. Unless you're making $12 or better an hour, it doesn't really help much.
~Still stuck in a rut