
Okay, so I haven't posted here in a while I think. Anyways, here back in about mid to late April, I went to an anime convention for the first time ever. Even though it really should've been in a bigger place and better organized, I got to see some cool costume, and I got some good costume ideas. Basically I found out you can wear just any costume you want and it doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with anime. It could be a superhero, Halloween costume, a random costume you make up or video game character or whatever. Also, some of the character costumes gave me some simpler ideas. I think I was trying to hard to come up with a good costume. I personally didn't wear a costume this time, but I'm pretty sure the next convention I go to, I will. Oh, and I got some stuff signed by one of my favorite voice actors, and I got my picture taken with him! He was really nice, and even though the picture on my cell phone came out bad because my cell phone takes crappy pictures, I still like it because he gave me a big hug.

One other thing to talk about: My boyfriend has commissioned a friend to make a costume for me. o.O He's also getting a Doctor Who costume made for himself I think. He asked me who my favorite Doctor was, and even though he doesn't watch Doctor Who himself, he still wanted to do it. He's so amazing and sweet. I think it was very nice of him. And you know, I didn't even ask him to. <3 I really hope we can go to a convention together sometime. I wasn't able to go to Dragon con in Atlanta. He felt bad about it, but I told him it's okay. We'll make up for it.
