
so, what's up peeps, i'm just about to make my way out into the freezing cold, so i can catch my bus, which is usually cold, and i left my second jacket(i wear 2 coats, cause it's warmer) in school, so i'm gona freeze
but yeah, high drama sucks...a lot...
and today, my english class is going to start reading Speak, by...someone, i forget the author, hehe, it sounds like it's gona be something like Just listen and Go Ask Alice...
yeah...well....i'm gona get going now, i'll talk to peeps later, so, have a wonderful day...or night...or afternoon...or morning, which ever you prefer <3

Oh what's in a name which we call a rose by anyother name would smell as sweet

okay, just had to say that, cause i've been saying that since yesterday, i loves you people!
