Shugo Chara, Duh!

shugo chara rocks ikuto is my favorite and my 2nd is tadase~kun they are so hot.Ikuto is so bad but tadase is so sweet! and shy too!♥We were so dissapointed when in the newer episodes they keep leaving ikuto out of them!when will he visit?!and how come their hardly any romance anymore!!!? its so agrivating!tadase~kun is always in the mood with amu`chan and yaya is always saying they love each other!!!♥and why do they always blush when she does.they DO love each other don't they?well anyway, wait for us to blog again soon and Chi su!!!!

By Abbishood48 and Shugojoyce123321♥♠♣♦

shugo world

hi this is my world for Shugo Chara so hope you like it
