Greetings. You've found the portal to the land of pure LOL, a hideout from the over-seriousness and obligations forced upon us by that which we call Daily Life. Make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes and maybe your pants, sit back, and relax. Or breakdance. Or do whatever the hell you want. All are welcome here.

You idiot! These shoes do NOT go with this dress!

This is my world of humor, randomness,and insane drooling idiot laughter. We all need these things. This is the world in which all ideas of dignity shall be abandoned in favor of smiles, frivolity, and laughter. Randomness, procrastination-inspired creations, the outrageous and shocking and hilarious, all are welcome here. The inspiration for the name of this world came from an occurrence in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire--quite a random and giggle-inducing occurrence that has been animated and then made into a dance remix for worldwide viewing pleasure by some awesome person who happened to have a bit too much time on their hands. Laugh away, my friends. You deserve to indulge in a little fun, and because we can all use some laughter in our lives, allow me introduce the Muggle Pants animation and dance remix.

I hope you enjoy the world of Muggle Pants and other assorted humor. And if you have anything to contribute and like to procrastinate, PM me, because I'm always looking for guest posters who can bring new humor and randomness into this world.

Have fun!

SHOES! hehe


I love this

I love gentlemen's rants. Please no one get offended...because I wanna share a lot more of these!

Iz kissing a moose.

Just me and my brother goofing around in Lake George this summer.

Oh, by the way, my hair no longer looks like this. I got it cut just before school started.


So has anyone seen Brokeback Mountain? If not, basically all you need to know is that it's basically about two gay cowboys. It's a really good movie, but when applied to Harry Potter, it's even better.

Genius, right? If you want more of this amazingness, copy and paste these into your URL bar, but be warned of some disturbing content...

1. Harry Potter and the brokeback goblet.

2. Harry Potter and the brokeback phoenix.

3. Harry Potter and the brokeback prince.