Silver One: Chapters 16-20

Chapter sixteen:

Celestia knew that something was terribly wrong with Jason. She didn’t know what but she knew something had happened since they had been moved to the better quarters. Although he was happy to see her and it made working with Nathan a bit more relaxing with him there, every time Jared was around Jason withdrew into himself and became almost lifeless. Celestia wanted to ask Jason what had happened but the opportunity to be alone to ask never presented itself.

They had been working with Nathan for a week when on the seventh day two guards came telling Jason it was time for his weekly check up with the doctor. When he left to go with them Celestia decided to ask Nathan. After she heard from Jason how he had saved him from being more seriously hurt she felt she could trust him.

Celestia turned to Nathan and said, “Nathan, I need to ask you something important.” To her surprise Nathan looked a bit uncomfortable.

Very well Celestia, what is it you need to know?” He finally replied.

Celestia hesitated and then made up her mind, she had to know about Jason. “I’m concerned about Jason. What did Jared do to him? Please! I have to know!” She said.

Nathan grimaced at the question wondering what he should tell her. He could tell she was genuinely concerned about Jason, but knowing wouldn’t help her. He sighed and made up his mind. He would tell her. Even if Jared didn’t care for women he would do the same to her if he thought it would give him more control over Jason. He had done it before. He might even hurt her just for the enjoyment of seeing how Jason reacted and Nathan would hate to have her find this out the hard way. Even if it was unpleasant, warning her was the only thing he could do.

Very well Celestia,” Nathan said, “I’ll tell you though you won’t like what I have to say.” He paused for a moment and continued, “It’s quite simple, Jared’s prefers men instead of women and I’m afraid that Jason has caught his interest.

Celestia couldn’t help herself; she gave a little gasp of horror and covered her mouth with her hands. “You mean he has..” Celestia choked on the word rape, she couldn’t say it!

Nathan continued, “I don’t know if he has actually raped him yet. I am truly sorry Celestia; there is nothing I can do to help Jason. It pains me to tell you but he may even rape you as well just to hurt Jason. I cannot interfere. I’m sorry.” Nathan looked away, “The Commander may outrank Jared but she finds him amusing so she never interferes, in fact she often gives Jared the men he wants as a bonus for all the hard work he does. Also the Commander’s father is a member of the High Council so even if I went above her head no one would listen, I would even run the risk of being punished for interfering in military issues that as they would put it don’t concern me. A few actually tried and paid the price with their lives. I’m sorry.

Nathan turned away and continued his work. Celestia didn’t even try to stop the tears. She had been terrified that someone would do that to her since she was captured, but it never even occurred to her that someone would hurt Jason that way! She had known some women who had been attacked but never a guy. Celestia had heard the horror stories of guys being raped but she thought that only happened to guys in prison. She had been so focused on her holographic technology how many other atrocities had she not even been aware existed? Celestia was glad Nathan had told her and yet another part wished she could crawl in a hole and just die. If she had never developed Silver One, Jason would never have been dragged into this mess!

The door opened and the two guards escorting Jason left once he entered the room. Jason was surprised to see Celestia crying. Before he could ask her what was wrong she ran across the room and hugged him tightly all the while saying she was sorry over and over again. He wrapped his arms around her and held her but she couldn’t seem to calm down. He looked up at Nathan but before he could ask what had happened, Nathan sighed and said, “She wanted to know what Jared did to you.” Jason paled. Nathan continued, “I’m sorry Jason, but Jared wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her too and I didn’t want her to find that out the hard way.

Jason sighed, “I see, thank you for the warning Nathan.

Jason reached down and gently grasped Celestia’s chin and turned her head so she was facing him. He brushed away her tears and gently kissed her on the forehead.

Please stop blaming yourself Celestia, it’s not your fault, there’s nothing you could have done to prevent this from happening. You’re forgetting that they planed on invading Earth. So even without the game you made I would have ended up a prisoner or dead. If you hadn’t made the game I would have never applied to work for you and I would have never met you.” Jason held Celestia close while she slowly calmed down.

Celestia,” he said. Celestia looked up at Jason. He continued, “No matter what happens, I’ll never regret that I met you.” Jason pulled her closer and kissed her tenderly on the lips. He was surprised when she kissed him back. He held her close until Celestia finally pulled away a bit.

I’m sorry Jason, I don’t know what to say.

Jason smiled and said, “It’s okay, thank you for being concerned about me. And please stop blaming yourself okay?

Celestia nodded and said, “I’ll try. It‘s just that,” she paused as her face turned red, “the thought that he might..” Jason placed his hand on her mouth indicating she should be quiet.

Don’t worry over something that hasn’t happened yet, and if it should,” Jason choked a bit at the thought before he continued, “Lets not worry or blame ourselves over things we can’t control. Okay?

Celestia hugged Jason even tighter before she replied, “Okay.

Jason just held her tight while she composed herself, he was appalled that Celestia knew about Jared and yet part of him realized that Nathan was correct. Celestia didn’t need to find out the hard way what Jared was capable of.