People say alot of things...

To all the dreamers of dreams, and the makers of music...

Take away for one instant, that realm of possibility. Where the decisions you made, had no impact on your life. That no matter what you made of your life, it would ultimately lead to the same exact demise, or glory that you would reach. Fate is the wheelman, and you have no option, but to sit back and try to enjoy the ride. But with every day that we live, we do make decisions, and they do affect what type of person we will become, or how we are seen by those around us. As we all know, it's the decisions you make that make you who you are, not what we're like on the inside. We must always watch ourselves and what path we are on. We can't rely on others all the time, no matter how much friends or family a person may have. You are your own person, you must be the one that puts the most effort into what you do.
And even knowing this, do we still fail and fall from "grace". We insist on doing what will turn us into what we most hate, fear, love, etc. And not out of some evil that may be going through our minds, but because we have that emotion driving us toward what we wish would happen. Understanding that universal truth is what will someday save us from a horrible fate. Or what we perceive to be horrible. Just because the lights go out, doesn't mean that your eyes have stopped working. So to those the feign ignorance to these truths that have been revealed, let it not be said..."I told you so!"
