Just another day, with another way...for humans

Bells ring, people speak, machines go off, bosses yell, and the whole while, I hear nothing. Deaf to chaos, deaf to conformist views, deaf to all that seek to make me one of their own. Another sheep in the happy flock. More like another sheep to the slaughter. I am a wolf in sheep's clothing. Why I do not hunt the sheep, who knows. Maybe I tire of the same thing day after day. Maybe I have pity for those stuck in their pointless little worlds of happiness. Or maybe I just don't care. More and more, time and time again, I find myself staring out of the window, into darkness. Down onto the streets of the city of angels that I have grown so used to. Staring into nothing, and yet staring into darkness itself. The fear of the unknown pushes some people into a sheep life, but the same fear pushes others into a life of solitude and regret. Which is the path of the wolf? The path of the prey? The path of sin, salvation, cleanliness, godliness, and all of the above. Is there any point to the things I do? Of course there is. Just not for anyone else that may think of me as a person. While I am among these people, I admit that from time to time, I forget how I am different. That i take into consideration, every second of life that passes. That I count every grain of sand that passes through that gap in the hourglass. To know life in every breath, every cup of tea, every life you take. That is Bushido. And among other philosophies, it is one philosophy I hold close and dear to me. Maybe I'm not so different from others around me. Then again, maybe I myself am the one thats fallen into the pits of conformity, and hasn't even realized it yet.
