I'll Keep On Hoping

Tomorrow might be fun for once... I'm excited.

I'm just gonna keep remembering one thing.

"God never closes a door without opening another."

I wonder whose behind this new door... I'm excited to find out. One door was closed tonight, but it's okay. I won't give up. Whatever anyone says... they can't take away my hope.

Sen-san told me Bea is excited about Anime Boston... gosh... it still makes me blush madly... It makes me happy...

My medicine's getting worse... almost threw up all morning.

Why am I writing this? To keep track.

I don't want to lose any of memories!! They may hurt me right now... and yes, they are. But it'll get better! And I'll be more thankful than I am right now for those memories that are making me stronger.

Sasuke talked to me today. I pissed him off...again. But it was hilarious. He poked me so I bit him til he died. My bad...? XD

Heh... Mom just asked me if something's wrong... she doesn't care. Why should I let her know?

Tomorrow will be busy. Lots of phone calls to make... cause after tomorrow... no one can reach me. No one knows why yet, and it still amuses me.

I will keep praying for another miracle to happen... maybe... it's already happened and I'm blind to it? That'd be interesting. It's happened not too long ago...

I'm so thankful.
