Hello everyone!!
unlike last year, AN di NOT place artist alley in a PARKING LOT this year LMFAO, and this was my first time sharing my manga with the public which OMGEEEE THE RESPONSE IT GOT!!!! i'll tell you more about it later in the journal 
ANYWHOOO AnimeNEXT was a total success and was SUCH a freaking pleasure to attend...we were so beaten UP by the end of it though (again, LOL i'll tell you more about that later XD ) however...we had a number of issues before the con, such as, the night before the con we didn't think we were going to be able to attend the convention at all!!! we found out last minute the the convention wasn't being held at the same place it was held last year but rather, some place over 2 hours away!! we're talking a 30 minute drive to the station, a 44 minute train ride to ANOTHER station, then another half hour or so on a taxi then walking. this would have happened going TO and FROM the convention for three days STRAIGHT!! that's roughly $20-$40 a DAY each on transportation o __ o IT WAS MADNESS!!! so we were up to 2am trying to find a better way to go when my father said he'll drive us TT U TT thank you daddy so MUCH for always being there for us!!! you're amazing and i love you!!!
btw guys, Giname and i only had 3-4 hours of sleep > __ >;;...yeaaaah....
Artist Alley? Who's He??
when we got there AnimeNEXT was um...sorta unprepared for the artists let's say ^^; we walked up to some workers and said "we're trying to find artist alley. Can you show us where it is?"
they responded "who's artist alley? you're...gonna display with him?
.....= __ =
the entire staff was like this!!! ppl were all "oh you don't badges! just go in!" only to be asked "where are you badges? get them over there."
we FINALLY found artist alley and found some competent ppl TT U TT she was one of the main organizers of the con and was so pissed to hear that someone thought Artist alley was a person LMFAO :heart: she was so helpful this weekend and let me use her cell phone when ours broke on saturday = U =
So many DeviantART ppl!!!!
this was the first con in a while that i didn't meet anyone from Theotaku!!
but i met a TON of my watchers and friends from DA TT U TT

I LOVE THESE GIRLS!!! ; U ; i got to meet them last years too!! THEY'RE SO DAMN COOL AND SWEET!!! XD

i got to meet one of the admins of DA!!! She mailed me adhessive tone for me to use on my manga for free!! TT U TT she's so sweet!! so as a thank you i made her this commission

SHE'S SO SWEET!!!! i love her!
there were SOO MANY great ppl that i want to mention but i can only post 4 pics...so...i must be careful = _ = *sniff*
OMGEEE!! the feed back was INCREDIBLE!!
These are the cards i was giving out to advertise my story "Sacred" 

OMGEEEE!!!! ppl were so interested in my project!! i was getting all SORTS of questions and ppl were looking through the book and were so excited about it >/////< :heart: i was so honored and so incredibly thrilled and that ppl were actually enjoying this book i've made 
one man actually asked me to sign the card for him!!! TT U TT
and another lady came up to me to ask if the characters on my poster were my O.C'S. you see, she saw my poster from far, saw the logo "Sacred" and went TO THE DEALERS ROOM asking dealers for products from sacred!!! 0 __ 0 <3
at that moment Giname was like "oh my God...this is for real!!"
i ran out of ALL of my cards by the morning of day 2!!
this years AnimeNEXT was a total success!!! meeting old friends, meeting new ones, and meeting my friends/watchers/subscribers is ALWAYS the highlight of my conventions!! :glomp:
but this year i got to share my manga with ppl and for those who got to read a couple chapters (or for one person the whole THING XD) the response was MORE incredible than i could say!
seeing ppls excitement when they read it, their interest in it's release, and the disappointment on their faces when they learned they couldn't buy it at out table ; U ; it was...wow. :heart: WOW!!! XD
i love you all, and i hope to meet MORE of you at future cons and of course, be safe, have fun this summer, and i'll speak to you all soon!!!
yeah, i decided to post up a RAAANDOM picture to see if this is the code i need to use to post photo's up here :3
if anyone is um...wondering what's going on (incase the photo shows XD LOL) um..that's me "attacking" my cousin Mylee with a plastic...tree o __ o;;
this is how we are ,OKAY!!! XD

GUYS!! COULD YOU HELP ME?!! ; U ; how can i put more than one image in here?? i'm soo confused!! TT o TT
thank youuu!! <3 *HUGZ*
hey guys!!
something i've been DIEING to do here on theO is post things like journals and such! you know, i love being in artist alley tables at cons and NO two cons are ever the same LMFAO i always have odd-a$$ stories for each one paired with photographic evidence > U > and i want to share that here with you guys!! (ex: at my first con me and Giname6 were interviewed in artist alley and were on the fuse network!! XD while another time artist alley was held in an indoor parking lot LOL and well, all of the artists were CRACKING UP the entire 3 days about how artist alley truly WAS an alley this year!! ROFL i was ALSO seated beside a steaming VENT!!!!)
also, with my manga's release creeping ever closer, i want to keep those of you who are interested updated on it's progress.
and of COURSE LMFAO i'm a photo junkie these days and love recording the weirdness of my life so yes...you will be told when ever something fun or simply bizarre happens XD sharing is great, and i just realized that i have a way to do so here!!
so yes! i love you all, and i hope that you'll find my future posts entertaining!!
hopefully i'll have pics uploaded by tomorrow for my first post > U < JAPAN DAY IN CENTRAL PARK, NEW YORK!! WOOO!!