hello everyone!!
yesterday afternoon, 1,100 copies of "Sacred" volume 1 arrived at my door!!! 19 boxes FULL of my books!! TT U TT i was soo EXCITED!!
we took a good a number of photos when the books arrived (including ones of the deliver man lowering them out of the huge truck XD )
here's a pic of me posing with the boxes LMFAO
a few boxes are missing here lol XD
here's one of the inside of the one of the boxes! AAAHH!!!! i'm so happy!!!
guys, i tell you right NOW, the quality of the printing was faaar better than i was expecting it to be! i thought it was going to beautiful, i didn't realize it was going to be GORGEOUS!!!! it was absolutely perfect!!!! Giname6 an i were literally shocked at how well the tone was printed and how beautifully my thin inking was printed!
i couldn't even believe it!! <3
the paper is super white and turning the pages feels so comfortable! they're as easy to tunr as the thin paper we're used to in a manga BUT it's stark white and totally doesn't not feel flimsy.
i think you guys will be pleased with the quality ; U ; <3
if you haven't read chapter one of my manga, IT'S AVAILABLE NOW in my gallery here on TheOtaku!
So, what does this mean?
i'm sure a few are wondering "Now that you have the books, does this mean they'll be coming out soon?!!"
i can not FORMALLY say this means they'll be coming out immediately, BUT i will be selling copies of Vol 1 this September 25-27 at the New York Anime Festival and will continue to sell them at the conventions i'll be attending
what this does mean is if the reviewing of my books is completed soon, they'll more than likely be out by October! :heart: hopefully everything goes alright and the reviewing goes well ; U ;
i'm so excited but again, i'm very nervous. i don't think that will ever go away XD not even when i get these books into stores LMFAO
i'll be updating you guys as SOON as i get more info on what's going on with the books release :D i'm working super hard to get everything ready for you guys, and do what needs to be done to get this book where it needs to be <3
i'll be praying every step of the way, and i hope you'll all be sending me your good vibes and good wishes.
wow...i have so much to say, and there's no real way to say what i'm feeling. i'm happy, nervous OMG there's no way to explain it LOL
i love you all so MUCH, and i'll speak to you soon!! *HUGZ*