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ROCK AND READ June special

Glimpse to ROCK AND READ 36 :

——> れいた + Mustang car

Source: Koji Yoshida

via Tumblr


Aoi& Kai

source: Tumblr

Aoi tweet

Aoi tweeted on Twitter : Oh! I’m happy that so many people tell me “It’s OK” and “If one I loves you one will learn [Japanese]!” Overseas people, I’m thankful. Because sounds do not make any lies, the GazettE will also hereafter do their best to cross the seas and reach everyone. (*-`ω-)☆[Background: Someone asked Aoi why he only replies in Japanese and he said that he can only speak Japanese and that he’s sorry about that. It seems like he got some comments on that and that is his reply.]
Wahhh very good news !! ♥ ( translation via @theGazettE_CH on Twitter)

source: The GazettE 1 million fans, Facebook


source: Tumblr

DISORDER - Aoi, Kai, Ruki

source: Tumblr