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-UPDATES- [more]

again, info powered by Tumblr

namelessliberty reblogged before-i-decay- :
“No, I’m at home with clothes on, so I’m fine. The problem is about the people who “have no other choice”. I suppose, staying cuddled up with people close to oneself, and not sprawling out too much, would be the best, would it…?” — Aoi (via twitter)


namelessliberty reblogged fuckyeahkai: “Uruha, Reita and Kai have updated their blogs again. The entries are short and quite general.

Uruha says that he can do nothing but watch the terrible things on TV motionless and that his heart feels heavy from the helpless situation. He hopes that many lives will be saved and that even the smallest damage will be prevented. Furthermore he says that the whole nation must stick together now and says that the things one can do now is saving energy, give donations, and believing in Japan.

Reita writes:
The lives will be postponed. The safety of everyone comes first.
I hope there won’t be any more victims.
Don’t worry about me or something.
There are many people who are in a much worse situation.
I hope all your friends are well.

And Kai talks shortly about the lives that will be postponed and that he hopes that everyone will understand this.
He says that as one person he’s doing as well as much as he can and he hopes that many people in the affected areas are safe.

” — via @theGazettE_CH (via headache-man)


namelessliberty reblogged visual-thinspiration: “Even if it’s something small, it will probably lead to something in the future.
Just start by donating and saving electricity as much as possible.
With this, there will definetely be a life that you can save.” — Ruki, twitter (via visual-thinspiration)


“Thank you very much for your sympathy and understanding regarding the postponement of the performance. The fact is that there is very little we can do right now. If there is something we can help with, we would want to pour all of ourselves into it. Let’s work hard.” — Ruki (twitter)


“Turn the PSP wallpaper to white and put it inside the white vinyl one gets at Convenience Stores, etc., and it works as a simple lantern. Got it. Tokyo also is going through a scarcity of various goods so I’ll help out!” — Aoi (twitter)


“It’s morning. I request you. The same posture is bad for blood circulation so if possible, please do some light massages and light physical exercises. Hope a lot of lives are saved. Don’t get light from flames such as a candle, a lighter, etc. I request this over and over again.” — Aoi (twitter)


“This is about what I said about the candles earlier, before snapping at me, think what else you ought to do. Earthquakes and conflagrations have a close connection and you can’t think something like “It’s just me, I’ll be fine”. There is nothing known about the gas pipes in the areas struck and their vicinity even now. Even if it has been turned off, there are chances the gas might still be stuck in the piping, so think about it. It might be tough but this is what the situation is. Please.” — Aoi (twitter)


“There are these points too. Thank you for the information.
1. Build a layer of air around your body (insert newspaper sheets inside layers of clothes, wear clothes or vinyl sheets or garbage bags to prevent the wind from passing through, and wear a sweater or something which blocks the wind underneath).
2. Figure out a way to prevent skin exposure, the ears or the head or the face. etc. by using something like a towel. Your head and your back, in particular. Thanks again. ↓
In order to efficiently retain body heat, make sure you properly wrap your ①head ②stomach ③ankles with a muffler or a cloth.” — Aoi (twitter)

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with special thanks to Tumblr, i found some pieces of information you might be interested in:

namelessliberty reblogged thegazettexdimxrealm: "RT @47news: 被災外国人に無料の通訳サービス 電話で24時間体制" Ruki (Twitter)

Ruki just re-twitted that there are free 24 hour interpretation services via phone for foreign victims of the disaster. And gave the link for more information.

http://bit.ly/gxVagn (this is the link)

Side note: I’m not fluent in japanese but I’m trying my best to translate Ruki’s tweets as much as I can. Please let me know if I missed anything!


namelessliberty reblogged thegazettexdimxrealm: "RTパニック障害をお持ちの方が周りにいたら、頓服を飲むように勧めて下さい。薬を持っていない場合は掌をグーパーと開いて閉じてを繰り返し、腹式呼吸をして下さい。既に過呼吸発作を起こしている場合は、掌を口に当て、横にしてあげてください。発作後は筋肉が硬直します。手を握ってあげて下さい." - Ruki (Twitter)

RT: If you are around people that have Panic disorders please encourage them to take medicine. In the situation you do not have the medication, please open and close your hands (palms) repeatedly, and breathe through your abdominal. In the situation if you already have been having Hyperventilation attacks hit your mouth with the palm of your hand and lay down horizontal. After an attack the muscles will be stiff. Please give them a hand to hold.

Side note: I don’t know what グーパー means and the palm translation maybe strange but that’s the best I can do.


namelessliberty reblogged thegazettexdimxrealm: "RT @invu_: @RUKItheGazettE RT @dck_k: 災害時に、「お風呂を貸す」「トイレを貸す」そういった言葉で女性を騙し、レイプする犯罪が過去発生しています。避難や徒歩での移動など、出来る限り独りにならないで、どうか、どうか気をつけてください。" - Ruki (Twitter)

During times when disaster strikes, there have been past occurrences of rape crimes being committed and women were deceived through words like “I will let you use a bath” or “I will let you use a toilet.” People who are migrating and doing things like trying to find refuge and going around by foot, if you can, please don’t go alone as much as possible. And somehow or other, please be careful.

Side note: 「お風呂を貸す」「トイレを貸す」is more accurately “I will lend you a bath” or “I will lend you a toilet”, for another translation. and again please let me know if i missed something.


namelessliberty reblogged globus-hystericus: “All the members are praying from the bottom of their hearts that everyone is safe. Please, let no more damage happen than that.” — Ruki → RUKI_theGazettE → twitter (via globus-hystericus)


namelessliberty reblogged globus-hystericus: “There is a plethora of information about the meltdown, the causes of the earthquake, harmful substances from the explosion of the Cosmo oil plant and so on. Every section lacks official information though. We all want to be provided with clear [unconfused] information. Because we don’t need “…” according to specialists in these fields I want the country to give out information. I think they should share the information. It’s difficult [hard, terrible] but we can do nothing but get through it.” — Aoi → Aoi_theGazettE → twitter (via globus-hystericus)


namelessliberty: “【To the refugees returning to ward 23 of Tokyo】 I’ve put together the places opening up as refugee shelters, as far as possible, at Google Maps. Shall be updating it in real time! bit.ly/tokyohinan” — Ruki (twitter)


“【Please RT if possible】 In case of huge tremors, please seal and fasten the gas stopcocks. Since there is a possibility of water outage, please store water in the bathtubs. Please don’t forget to save drinking water too. In case you’re being able to access the net, please confirm the evacuation site in your district. From a person who has experienced the Chūetsu Earthquakes.” — Ruki (twitter)


“Remember the disaster drill. Keep reserve food and water. The information is streaming through Twitter. There is an emergency message board too. It’s alright. Please stay calm and keep in touch.” — Aoi (twitter)


namelessliberty reblogged -hwangchansung:
twitter.com →

Aoi: “Sunrise is around 6, is it? I want lots of people to be located as soon as possible. The self-defence force, rescue teams, everybody in the municipality, the fire-fighting department and the policemen, brace yourselves! Please, it’s a request.” trans


Fan: Aoi san, Ruki san, this is from Sendai, thank you so much. My entire family is missing. I can't stop crying. There is no gasoline anywhere and I'm cold being in a car. I want gasoline. It's good to know that everybody from the GazettE is fine. I panicked and didn't understand anything, sorry. I don't know what to do. Sorry. Thank you for spreading it around. I connected to the web for the first time now.
Aoi: Isn't there something to wrap yourself up with? Anything will do so don't lose body heat. Don't give up.


“With the terrible state of affairs at the disaster-struck areas, I think it is needed of us that we spread the information about doing what we can, helping where ever we can and also inform about the things that must be taken care of, through mass communication. Isn’t this what mass media is meant for?” — the GazettE STAFF


“All of us members are praying for your safety from the bottom of our hearts. We hope that somehow, no further damage than this will occur.” — Ruki (twitter)


“In view of the Tokyo Electric Power announcing “We’re putting in all our efforts into restoring electricity, but we predict that the situation with the demand and supply of electricity will be extremely tight today too”, we give out an appeal to conserve electricity. Together, let’s cooperate with conserving electricity.” — the GazettE STAFF (twitter)


“There is a lot of news about the meltdown, the causes of the earthquake, the Cosmo Oil explosion and the resulting presence or absence of toxic substances, etc. I want the official information from each section. I want to be prepared instead of panicking. Instead of the needless “According to the specialist from this place…” the country wants to get the actual news. I think one ought to discuss this with the news joint-ownership agencies. It’s a terrible disaster but there is nothing to do but to tide over it.” — Aoi (twitter)


The women must not move around alone at all, please. Such a thing is saddening at such a time but it seems to be happening a lot. At toilet, and when you’re sleeping, and even when you’re walking, always be with a reliable person. I request you. The men could please keep guard at just such a time. Pregnant ladies please report yourselves. Please protect the new lives too. It’s my request.” — Aoi (twitter)


[and the latest:]

namelessliberty reblogged thegirlwhosaidfuckyou:
Ruki did not tweet any tweets regarding to Pearl Harbour! Please reblog!

On Saturday 12th March 2011, @GazettEMalaysia said:

pardon me, but i don’t remember any of Ruki’s tweet saying this “To those who think this is justice for Pearl Harbor: i am sorry to say this, but you are just a mindless drone.”

Originally it’s from this post


and the girl is quoting from this tweet:

[[Ruki]] All of us members are praying for your safety from the bottom of our hearts. We hope that somehow, no further damage than this will occur.

- translated by gazetweet_eng

the rest of the entry below is her own thoughts.
please everyone, don't be confused and spread the wrong info!

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Saraba [MRD live]

[heart-sinking]----VERY important news

today, 11th of March
8,9 on Richter scale earthquake hit Japan, now tsunami threatens neighbouring regions as well

on Facebook, Matsumoto Takanori managed to keep in contact with fans, as well as on twitter, he and Aoi to assure the fans that the band is so far alright, but i think the Facebook notes will speak for themselves better:

Tear off the holy wing, jump, bursting the eyes
Even if HEAVEN is covered with mud, it becomes a paradise
when we live in it. [Nausea and Shudder]
pray for the safety of Japan.


Is the end near?


will be offline for quite some time because of the earthquake. Sorry. :'(


The view which everyone saw is worse than the end
of the world getting dark
And I deeply prayed to a vanishing candle
[Nausea and Shudder]


This could be my last time talking here [alive] but I will try my best to stay alive with my band. the tsunami was massive and... people will think it is impossible to escape. Now, with hope for miracle, I pray that everything would be save and harmony... :'( take care everyone.


The GazettE 1 million fans

Japan is being attacked by tsunami after that earthquake just now. It was written in Twitter that the earthquake is one of the worst earthquake. But I'm not sure if it's just a rumor. 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan. I believe the GazettE is safe, because Ruki and Aoi keep on twitting. Let us gather our prayer for people in Japan
-Izza admin-

therefore, please, i beg of you, take a moment to pray for everyone in Japan and the neighbouring regions from the The Pacific Ring of Fire.....thank you very very much.....your prayer will not be left unheard~

Anniversary words special

picked both from The GazettE 1 million fans and Matsumoto Takanori 's profile:


the GazettE 9th Anniversary!
Celebration mode: ON
-Matsumoto Takanori-

image from Tumblr, member namelessliberty