In Shaman King world, before discovering the hidden Patch Village...
Yoh and his gang are slowly continuing their journey through the empty desert when Horo-horo suddenly spots something glimmering under the sun.
Horo-horo : What's that?
Horo-horo ran towards the light
Yoh : Horo-horo wait up!!
The gang ran after him. A small floating crystal ball floats in front of the gang. Everyone stared at it... speechless.
Ryu : What is that thing?
Anna : It's a crystal ball. What else do you think it would be.
Yoh : Pretty...
Horo-horo : Cool. Horo-horo began to reach out towards it.
Anna : Ahh wait don't. It might be a trap!!
But with a tip of Horo-horo finger touched the crystal, with a burst of light, the gang suddenly pulled in within the crystal and the crystal shattered into dust. The wind blows the dust as yoh and the gang disappeared without a trace...
In the D Grayman and YuGiOh World...
A same phenomenon occurred when the gangs from each worlds discovered and touched the crystal.
Kaiba : You "bonkotsu"!!! [ usually refer to Joey which mean "amateur" ]
Allen : Lenalee!!
Lenalee : Allen!!!
Lavi : Everyone hold hands and no matter what, DON'T LET GO!!
Everyone : AAAAAAAHHHHH !!
With a burst of shining light, everyone black out...
to be continued...