Crummy Luck with Women=Cognition Failure lol

Hey Everyone!

Again, sorry for posting my latest work two days late even though I had it ready on Sunday anyway. The past couple of weeks have been somewhat mind numbing with the finishing off of midterms, a birthday party with the worst alcoholic beverage EVER: the Porch Crawler. A week I was shot down, which I guess is kinda what the title of this post involves and none of the other things... Allow me to elaborate:P

Finished my last midterm today, and now I also have all my marks. Yeah, I usually fall in the low 80's to high 70's for marks, but my first few midterms were in the 60's even though I thought I aced them; now that's a blow to the ego/confidence. Turns out my profs are just pickier than usual this term, so I'll have to look out for that come Finals But my last 2 midterms/tests were in the high 80's/90's, so I guess that makes up (sorta) for the initial wave of crappiness lol. Now please don't hate on me for criticizing my own marks (most are just happy with passing, and I respect that), but when you're aiming for med school you kinda need ridiculous marks and a great volunteer track record, but of which I'm currently working on lol.

This past weekend it was a friend of mine's birthday, and what do university students do to celebrate? Why drink of course (I'm not a fan of getting comlpletely wasted myself, but the games can be entertaining:P), although this involved a drink I had never had before, the Porch Crawler. That concoction consists of far too much Vodka to be any good, rum, gin, 48 beers, energy drinks, lemonade, and assorted fruit beverages; it tasted like candy, but the mix of things makes for an unhappy stomach later on/the next morning. Wow did I ever regret consuming that since I did not have an appetite the next day until dinner time. We also stayed up far too late playing Mario Tennis 64/Smash Bros. 64; being the only sober one I managed to win at SB64 even though I'm terrible at it lol. Then we played the Zombie mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops, had pizza, and went to bed at 5AM, only to be woken up at 7:30 by the drunks that passed out earlier and were stomping around the house looking for their keys. Walked home and got back by 9:30AM where I wanted to study for my last midterm, but wound up napping til noon; after that nap I was good for the rest of the day lol.

Now, what the title of this post actually points to; I had mentioned I was thinking of going after someone in my last post, however that attempt was unsuccessful. About a week ago I asked her out, knowing we were both horribly busy that weekend, but I figured I may as well ask anyway; the answer was no as I had thought. We walked for a bit then went our separate ways home, but then we didn't really speak face to face for over a week...I was kinda getting the feeling she was avoiding me since we didn't chit chat at our usual times between classes, and she stopped sitting with me in our only class together. I finally talked to her yesterday, only to be kinda shunned out of any conversation that got started. So, it looks like nothing will come out of this, but I want to try and mend the situation so we can go back to being friends. This was really psychology annoying and bothered me beccause this seems to happen with every girl I try to go after, and being avoided/given the run around 3 times in the same year kinda takes its toll on one's sanity. So yeah, that's kinda of another reason for the delayed submission since I've been driving myself insane over what to do with this situation. I think this is the first time I take a somewhat serious tone in a post and divulge so much information of what's going on in my life, lol. Anyway, I'll probably have an update on wether or not I was able to repair the situation, and hopefully more submissions on time for this coming Sunday.

Inphinity (aka Dave if I never mentioned my real name:P)
