Hey All!
I've been at my new adult college about a month now, and my uniform finally came in today! It's essentially burgundy scrubs with the college logo on them. I also got a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff with them, so I'm starting to feel like a medical professional I also met my new classmates since we've all started now (they had a weird staggered beginning due to funding issues), and they are a rowdy bunch XD Their loud, love to play "bumper-chairs", and all-around just want to have fun. One of them is older and has 4 kids (whom shall now be referred to as Momma Bear), and is trying to set up her son with one of our classmates (Kelsey) since she hates his girlfriend. The funny part is the Kelsey already has a boyfriend, but that is not gonna stop Momma Bear; she also wants Kelsey to show up for her Christmas dinner as a present, and I suggested she either wrap her up or put her in a giant cake. It kinda feels like the plot for a sitcom or romantic comedy XD Luckily everyone doesn't take any of this seriously (except maybe Momma Bear).
I think its great to joke around at break, because right now we're just finishing up medical terminology, and its ALOT of memorization! The terms are stuff like cardiology (ology=study of, cardio=heart), carcinoma, gastritis, etc., etc. Its a little daunting, but we'll be using it so much throughout the course of the program (11 months!) that it should be burned into our skulls before long. Our instructor is pretty all over the place with how she gives notes, and give us information that we're not going to need until 3 months down the road. Half the battle is just filtering out what we don't need. Its mildly annoying, however there are course surveys at the end of every module, so I'll be commenting on that for sure.
Now, what is this mention of awkward air you ask? Well, I finally got around to telling my romantic interest how I feel, but she didn't give me a straight answer since she's still sorting issues out with her ex. Then I went to comment on one of her facebook posts, but it glitched out and disappeared. I thought she had deleted the comment, and in a fit of idiocy and panic I sent her this really weird text to confront her about it. She didn't answer me until a day later since she was kinda confused, but she still wanted to be friends. A few days go by and we wound up working together, but she hung out across the store from me and was pretty quiet. We spoke a little bit, and found out there was some drama between her and some people she knew smack talking her friend who had passed away a year ago. So, I figured that was it. But we worked again a day later, and I still couldn't shake the feeling that she was still kinda avoiding me. Mind you the whole staff was there, but even in group conversations she'd avoid eye contact. But, on the bright side, when we worked on Sunday she kept normal proximity between us, and I found out she was keeping this weird customer (who we think might be stalking me) away by not telling him my schedule. So, I guess the awkward air will just run its course; luckily she's not like every girl I've asked out before that just pretends I don't exist, and she's always willing to talk stuff out. She taught me that not all girls run away and hide behind a veil of lies, and has made me much less cynical about this stuff. I guess that's why she's special to me, and I don't want to lose our friendship to my own impatience lol
Anyway, enough mush/ranting/wall of text. I've gotta go study for my terminology test that is in 16 hours.