This will primarily be a 00 post, due to its finale on Sunday. So, if any of you watched the thing, you'll know there's gonna be a movie, but it will e a long time coming (damn them for making us til 2010+ because of a theatrical release!), but that seems to be the directors signature move since he did the same thing with FMA. Overall, it was an OK ending, it just didn't seem to really get anywhere since they tied everything up in the prior episode, with leaving only killing Ribbons on the to do list. It was a great battle sequence, especially Hallelujah completely slaughtering Hilling/Healing (however you spell it, depends of the sub group). The 00/Rebirth fight was alright, but it didn't seem to be as well drawn as the final battle in S1, but a well, I got to see 00 quantize again. I was happy with the epilogue, I'm just hoping Graham gets a new badass suit in the movie with some screen time.
Oh, and about the epilogue; can anyone explain why Bring, Anew, and Ribbons show up in it (or at least their clones?
And to celebrate the end of my online course, I think I'm gonna go buy a new RAM chip for my laptop, since I got the new MSN and internet explorer, and they boot up pretty damn slow, but they run fine once their running.