TheO's April Fool

So I forgot it was April Fool's when I logged on this morning for my usual check. When I first commented on my wall, I wondered why the main character from that ridiculous Twilight was my avvie. Then I realized...we've been had. The funny thing is, I thought Twilight was kinda like an anime phenomenon for non-anime watchers/readers. You look on the news, and there are SO MANY FANGIRLS it ain't funny! (Remember, I hate fangirls, just ask HIME) I think I even saw cosplays on the news when they were covering the movie's release. So the director of this movie has successfully made a new brand of fangirl...No comment. And for any fangirls reading this, I'm sorry, but aniki and I both HATE Twilight because of the frolocking fan-friends he has (even though neither of us has seen the movie, lol). Now I'm worried what's gonna happen at work today...we have a couple of pranksters in the lab...

