
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and co. belong to J.K. Rowling and Peter Pan belongs to J.M. Barrie. No copyright/trademark infringement is intended and no profit is being made from the making of this story.

Chapter Two – The Lost Boys

“Harry,” Peter started, “these are the Lost Boys.”

“Um, hi,” Harry said, wringing his hands.

“Hello,” the Lost Boys said in unison. There were six of them in total, and they had on animal costumes. One had on a costume of a fox, another had on a costume of a bear, another had one of a fox, a short one had the costume of a skunk, and two twins had on raccoon costumes.

“Alright, Harry. This is Tootles, Nibs, Slightly, Curly, Twin One, and Twin Two,” Peter said pointing to the skunk, bunny, fox, bear, and raccoons respectively.

“Was he lost too, Peter?” Slightly asked, inspecting Harry thoroughly.

“Of course not, blockhead! Harry’s too smart to get lost. He came with me,” Peter said, causing Harry to blush. “Come on, Harry, I’ll show you around.”

“Oh, right! It was nice to meet you,” Harry said as he followed Peter. He didn’t see the other boy whispering something to Tinker Bell, and soon they were off.

◦Alright, guys! Peter wants us to build Harry a house,◦ she announced.

“Huh? Why would he want us to do that?” asked Twin One.

“Why would he want us to do that?” echoed Twin Two.

◦Because,◦ Tinker Bell said, annoyance clear in her voice, ◦Harry was raised in a civilized society. Peter wants him to feel comfortable, and that’s where the house comes in. Curly, you’re in charge of building it. Everybody else, follow his instructions.◦

While the Lost Boys were busy trying to make a perfect house, Peter was showing Harry all around Neverland. They were currently at Mermaid lagoon with Harry the center of the Mermaids’ attention.

“Oh, dear! You’re a mess,” exclaimed a red-headed mermaid. “We need to get you all cleaned up!”

Harry blushed, looking at his hand-me-downs. They were Dudley’s old clothes, and were much too big for his malnourished frame. His pants were held up by an old belt of Uncle Vernon’s, and it had to have a new hole poked in it for the belt to properly do its job. All-in-all, Harry looked like a homeless orphan in rags.

“You’re right, Maribel. He needs new clothes and everything,” a blonde mermaid commented.

“Of course I’m right, Christy!” Maribel said, slightly offended. She turned to Peter. “Oh, Peter, please let us fix him up!”

Peter shrugged. “It’s not my decision. Ask Harry.”

“Harry,” Christy and Maribel said in unison, “will you please let us fix you up? Please?”

“I don’t want to be a bother,” Harry replied, blushing.

“Oh, no, dear! You won’t be a problem at all. We want to do this. You’ll look much better when we’re through with you,” Christy assured him.

“He doesn’t look bad,” Peter blurted out, blushing afterwards when he realized what he had just said.

“Of course he doesn’t,” Maribel responded. “But he’ll look so much better after we get him in something better to wear.”

“Do you even have clothes for a human boy?” Peter asked.

“Of course we do,” the redhead said immediately. “Who do you think created all of the clothes that the Lost Boys wear? While I don’t think he’ll look very good in animal skins and things of that nature, we’ll fix him up just right. Trust us, Peter. What do you say, Harry dear?”

“Well, if you’re sure I won’t be a bother,” Harry said. Maribel and Christy squealed and splashed joyously.

“Excellent, Harry,” Christy beamed. “There’s no time to waste! You’ll come with us underwater, and we’ll have the other girls create your clothes while we work on that hair of yours.”

“Wait,” Harry cried. “I can’t breathe underwater. And I can’t swim.”

“We know that, dear,” the blonde said, smiling. “We’re going to give you some plants to eat and you’ll grow gills. Now, the process isn’t exactly painful, but it is uncomfortable. And don’t worry about not being able to swim; we’ll be right next to you the entire time. Maribel, could you go get it?”

The redhead nodded and disappeared underwater. She came back a few minutes later, holding a green plant in her hand. It looked like asparagus and Harry wrinkled his nose. He didn’t like vegetables much. Christy took the plant from Maribel and gave it to Harry.

“Peter, you go! Come back for him in an hour and a half, you hear?” Maribel said, shaking her finger at Peter. The green-clad boy nodded his head. Maribel smiled and motioned him to come closer. “Don’t worry; you won’t be able to stop looking at him when we’re done,” she whispered in his ear. Peter spluttered and his face took on a red hue. Harry’s innocent look aimed right at him didn’t help matters any.

“What happened?” Harry asked, looking at Peter and Maribel.

“Oh nothing. I just told him a joke. Now, eat that plant right up and we’ll be off,” Maribel demanded.

Harry closed his eyes and ate the plant, scrunching his face at the taste. For a moment, nothing happened and he feared it wasn’t working. Then he felt like he was going to throw up. The tight knot in his stomach traveled all the way up to his throat, and he collapsed onto his knees. Peter, having seen the transformation before, didn’t panic. He gently ushered Harry into the water and Harry groaned. Before he knew it, he was underwater and breathing as if he was born there. Glancing at his hands and feet, he noticed the webbing he had between his fingers and toes.

“Cool,” he whispered in amazement. Maribel and Christy chuckled.

“Come on; we have exactly an hour and a half before the transformation wears off and Peter comes back for you.”

The two mermaids led Harry deep into the sea, and soon they entered a cave. It looked creepy and unwelcoming—at first. As soon as the mermaids entered, the dark and damp cave changed right before their eyes. Harry gaped at the sight. The cave was very spacious, housing four other mermaids. Very large shells—Harry assumed the mermaids used them like beds—were placed in the back of the dwelling. The other mermaids took one look at their new guest and immediately swam over to him.

“So cute!”

“Who is he?”

“His eyes are so pretty!”

“Why is he here?”

“Ladies, this is Harry. He’s Peter’s guest, and we’ve agreed to give him a makeover of sorts. Harry, this is Abby, Sheila, Trixie, and Emily,” Christy said loudly, pointing at the black-haired, brown-haired, blue-haired, and purple-haired mermaids respectively.

“Hi,” Harry said nervously, twiddling his fingers.

“We only have an hour and a half before the transformation wears off,” Maribel said. “Emily, Trixie, I want you both to start working on some clothes. Be sure to place anti-wet and indestructible spells on them.” The two mermaids nodded before swimming away to gather necessary items that would aid them in the process. They grinned madly, imagining all the lovely cute things they could dress Harry in.

“Spells?” Harry asked.

“Yes, dear. They’re going to use mermaid magic to put spells on your clothes so that they don’t get wet and indestructible spells to make sure they don’t break,” Christy explained.

“Do all mermaids have magic?” Harry asked, cocking his head in his curiosity.

“Of course, dear. The type of magic you have and the way you look depends on where you came from, just like it does with humans. Now, come over here please. We have to work on your hair,” Maribel said, ushering him over. ‘You’ll need a trimming.”

“Um, I don’t think it will work,” Harry said in a small voice.

“And why not?” Abby asked in a soft voice.

“Well, my aunt tried cutting my hair before and all it did was grow back overnight.”

“Interesting,” Sheila murmured. “Well, we’ll be cutting your hair with mermaid magic. It shouldn’t grow back.”

“Don’t you worry about a thing, dearie,” Christy cooed. “We’ll take care of everything.” A glint entered her and the other mermaids’ eyes. Harry gulped, wondering if he would make it out of this situation alive.

For the next hour and a half, the mermaids worked very hard on Harry. They trimmed his hair and styled it. Instead of looking like a bird’s nest, it was now straightened and covered his odd lightning bolt scar and one eye. His hands, which had been calloused from years of yard work and heavy labor, were now smooth and baby-soft thanks to some cream the mermaids applied. His entire body was cleansed of pores and other nastiness. When his new clothes were done, his old ones were abruptly taken off and thrown away. Harry blushed when the mermaids saw his boxers, but they paid him no mind as they continued to dress their little doll. When the hour and a half was almost up, they took him up to the surface. Peter was already there and waiting for him.

Peter’s jaw dropped when he noticed the transformation. Harry looked absolutely stunning. His skin glowed healthily, unlike the pale sheen it had taken when he had first arrived. His hair was dry despite the fact that he was underwater, and Peter had no doubt that the mermaids had put some sort of spell on it so that when Peter saw him, he would be speechless like he was now. Peter picked up his jaw and his eyes scanned Harry’s clothes. They were perfect for his small, lithe frame. Unlike the Lost Boys, whose clothing resembled that of an animal, Harry’s clothes made him look like the British gentleman he was. He had on three-quarter pants, or capris as the Americans call them, and a short-sleeved green shirt on. In his hands were other clothes that the mermaids had made for him. Peter couldn’t help but notice that the shirt brought out Harry’s eyes.

“You, uh, you look great,” Peter said finally, still blushing a little. Harry smiled widely and turned around.

“Really? I quite like this new look!”

“It suits you.” Peter turned towards the mermaids. “Very nice job,” he mumbled.

Maribel and Christy shared a look before smirking. “It was no problem. We rather enjoyed having a doll to play with. It’s been so long.”

“Well, we best get going now.” Peter took Harry’s hand and they were off. Harry waved goodbye at the mermaids and shouted his thanks, laughing all the while. The mermaids replied with the same enthusiasm before diving back under the water. Harry turned to look at Peter.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“You’ll see when we get there,” was his response. Harry exhaled upwards, causing the fringe above his eye to fly up for a brief moment. Peter chuckled but refused to let up. He was especially proud of himself when he resisted Harry’s puppy eyes.

“Are we there yet?” Harry asked, looking over his surroundings.

“Yes,” Peter replied, landing atop a cliff.

“What are we going up here?” Harry asked curiously.

“I,” Peter said, “am going to teach you how to fight with a sword.”

Harry’s eyes bulged. “Fight with a sword?” he squeaked nervously.

Peter nodded and gave Harry a sword that he had placed on the cliff earlier that day. “Harry, you have to understand, not everybody is nice in Neverland. Just like your world, this world has bad people also. In here, the pirates are my enemies. Most especially, Captain Hook. You need to be able to defend yourself if he ever finds out about you.”

Harry nodded, realizing the seriousness of the situation, and put his clothes to the side. “Alright, Peter. I can’t imagine why he’d want me, but I trust you.”

‘He’d want you to get to me,’ Peter thought to himself.

For the next hour, Peter taught Harry how to properly hold a sword and how to swing it without hurting himself. Harry was a pretty quick learner, grasping what was being taught to him. Unfortunately, since Peter had learned sword fighting through experience, he couldn’t teach Harry any specific sword styles. Harry really didn’t care. He couldn’t see himself fighting with a sword his whole life, so he didn’t really see what the big deal was. Peter told Harry to create his own sword style, though.

“Now that you know how to hold and swing the sword, we’ll spar,” Peter said, helping up a panting, sweaty Harry.

“Spar?” Harry asked confusedly. He was tired and wanted to rest a little more, but didn’t bother asking since he knew that Peter was only looking after his best interests.

“Spar meaning practice. We’ll practice sword fighting, but not for that long. Not today at least,” Peter explained. Harry nodded in understanding and got into the ready position like Peter had taught him. “Ready?”

“Yes,” Harry responded.

Without a moment’s notice, Peter lunged at Harry. The small boy quickly used his own sword to block and struggled to gain the upper hand. Peter jumped backwards and once again got into a ready position.

“Harry, watch my movements. In a real battle, you have to carefully watch the other person and look at your surroundings,” Peter said before lunging once more.

This time, Harry was ready. Instead of trying to block the attack, he sidestepped it. This ensured that he wouldn’t have to fight for the upper hand. Since Harry was only ten, he wouldn’t be able to hold off a real opponent. Because of this, what he really needed to do was evade and attack. His small, lithe form allowed Harry to be faster than some, and he used that to his advantage. Harry quickly sidestepped another one of Peter’s attacks and swung his sword in a slightly less-than-graceful arc. Peter jumped away before coming back, attacking immediately.

“Very good,” the chestnut-haired boy commented. “Keep it up.”

For the next half an hour they sparred. Peter trained Harry hard, refusing to give him a break. After all, if Hook found Harry and fought him, Harry wouldn’t stand a chance. Peter made sure not to overexert Harry and by the end of their session, Harry was panting and sweaty. He was grateful that his clothes weren’t ruined, but figured he’d have to use something else to sleep in. Harry scrunched up his nose; because of the intense workout, he was starting to smell a little.

“Um, Peter, where do we bathe at around here?” he asked once his breathing was under control.

“In a lake about half a mile from our hideout,” Peter responded, smiling tiredly. “You’re a pretty fast learner.”

“Thank you,” Harry blushed. “Um, could you take me to that lake? I should probably take a bath.”

“Yeah, sure.” Peter took Harry’s hand and led him into the air. The smaller boy shivered as the cool air hit his dampened skin and held onto the clothes in his hand tightly. Peter, seeing this, pulled Harry closer to his body. Harry offered him a shy smile, blushing hotly.

“Are we almost there?” Harry asked, not looking Peter in the eye.

“Yeah, we’re here.” They landed gently, and Harry’s eyes widened. The lake was small, but absolutely beautiful. The evening sky made the water sparkle as if diamonds were hidden at the bottom. There was a small waterfall and rocks surrounded the lake. Harry nearly squealed with delight.

“Oh, it’s so beautiful!” Harry exclaimed, smiling widely. He seemed to have forgotten his embarrassment and beamed at Peter. “Do you have a towel or something I can use to dry off?”

“No, you’ll have to air dry or you can just put your clothes back on,” Peter responded, looking at Harry apologetically. Harry gulped slightly. No towel? Air dry? What if somebody saw him? His face took on a bright red hue.

“Right,” he responded, and the air around them filled with tension.

“If you want,” Peter offered, “I could keep watch for you.”

Harry smiled at him. “That’d be great, thanks.”

Peter nodded before flying to a tree. Harry looked around and made sure nobody else was there. He carefully stripped his clothing and folded it into a neat pile. Harry looked around one more time and quickly took off his boxers before dashing into the lake. He shivered slightly before holding his breath and ducking under water. Harry quickly came back up and sighed with relief. Already he was feeling cleaner. Splashing around, he breathed in contentedly and walked to the other side of the lake to look at a bright red rose that was growing.

Unfortunately, Harry didn’t notice that the water was deeper on the other side of the lake. Harry’s foot slipped and he let out a small shriek of terror as he was plunged underwater. Peter immediately turned around and flew to the corner of the lake. He couldn’t see Harry, and fear seized his heart when he noticed bubbles coming to the surface of the water. Without hesitation, Peter jumped in. He swam over to where Harry was struggling to reach the surface. Peter grabbed Harry’s arms and pulled him upwards. Harry gasped and panted, his eyes watering as he coughed up water. He grabbed onto Peter like he was a lifeline and was shaking badly. Peter hurriedly led him to the edge of the lake.

“Harry, are you alright?” Peter asked frantically, still holding onto the shaking Harry.

“I—” Harry hugged Peter tightly, sobbing his heart out. “I-I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move; it was so hard,” he whispered, his body still shaking from the force of his sobs. Peter wrapped his arms around the smaller body, holding him close and offering him comfort.

“It’s alright, Harry,” he soothed. “I’ll always be here to save you. Alright?”

Harry nodded, not trusting his voice. He was still shaking quite badly. Peter’s eyes scanned the place around them, taking in every detail to make sure nobody hid in the trees or bushes while he had gone to help Harry. It was then that he remembered that Harry had been taking a bath, and therefore he was very much still naked. Peter gulped and disentangled himself from Harry.

“What is it?” Harry asked, his voice sore and confusion in his eyes.

“Um, nothing. I’ll let you get dressed now,” Peter replied, getting out of the water and flying to the tree, his face aflame.

“Oh!” Harry looked down and blushed. He was thankful that it was dark and Peter didn’t see anything. Stepping out of the water, Harry put on his boxers, growling silently in frustration as the dry clothing resisted his wet skin. He put on a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. Harry coughed and rubbed his throat, wincing at the pain.

“Are you decent?” Peter called from his place in the tree.

“Yes,” Harry called back, picking up his clothes and clutching them to his chest.

“Good, now we can go back to the hideout.” Peter jumped down from the tree and grabbed Harry’s hand. “Come on, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“A surprise?” Harry asked, his eyes widening slightly. “What kind of surprise?”

Peter led them into the air. “You’ll see when we get there,” he responded teasingly. Harry opened his mouth to say something but a yawn came out instead. He quickly covered his mouth and flushed lightly when Peter laughed a little. He looked around and noticed that they were getting closer and closer to the hideout. Harry jumped slightly when he felt hands cover his eyes.

“Peter?” he asked uncertainly.

“Relax,” the other boy whispered. “We’re almost at your surprise.”

Harry nodded his head to let Peter know that he understood. He felt them land softly and let himself be led away. Harry felt an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. He’d never had a surprise before and was very nervous. Dudley always got lots of presents for surprises, but Harry didn’t think Peter would give him a present. It was not like there were any stores in Neverland. Harry felt them stop.

“Are we there?”

“Yeah, we are. I’ll take my hand off right now, okay?”

Harry felt Peter’s hand slowly slip away and gaped at what lay in front of him. It was a little house with windows, a small chimney, a door, and a door knocker. The house itself wasn’t very fancy; on the contrary, it was very simple. Vines surrounded it in a sort of design, and the small roof was made out of wood and leaves. Harry let a small smile float across his face. Harry, never having had a very big room—if a cupboard can now be called a room—thought the entire thing looked absolutely perfect. It wasn’t too big and it wasn’t too small—it was just right.

“Oh, Peter! It looks completely beautiful! Is it for me?” Harry asked with a wide smile.

“Yeah, it is. The Lost Boys made it for you. I thought, since you were raised in a house, that you’d like one. Do you like it?”

“Like it? I love it, Peter! It looks so pretty, and it’s so much bigger than my cupboard,” Harry gushed. Peter smiled widely before frowning.

“What do you mean it’s bigger than your cupboard?”

Harry stiffened. “Nothing. I didn’t mean anything. Please forget it.”

Peter felt a feeling of unease settle in the pit of his stomach but ignored it. Harry would tell him when he wanted to. Of course, Peter felt slightly hurt that Harry didn’t want to tell him. Pushing the feeling aside, Peter gestured for Harry to follow him.

“Well, are you hungry?”

“Oh, yes,” Harry responded, remembering that he hadn’t eaten anything since the previous night.

“Great! Come on; we’ll eat with the Lost Boys,” Peter said. Grabbing Harry’s hand, Peter made sure nobody saw him before he pulled on a vine that revealed the hideout. He and Harry quickly entered the dwelling. Harry winced at the loud volume and stuck close to Peter.

◦Peter, is that Harry?◦ Tinker Bell asked, flying around Harry and inspecting him.

◦Yeah, it is. The mermaids did it,◦ Peter explained.

“What did she say?” Harry asked.

“She couldn’t recognize you,” Peter replied, grinning. “Come on, let’s eat!”

Harry sat next to Peter at the long table placed directly in the middle of the hideout’s main room. The Lost Boys sat around them and Tinker Bell sat next to Peter on the table. She clapped her hands and food appeared. Harry gaped as the other boys dug in, talking loudly. Peter noticed Harry wasn’t eating and cocked his head to the side.

“I thought you said you were hungry.”

“I am,” Harry said softly. “This is just a lot to get used to. I mean, my relatives told me magic didn’t exist, and then the mermaids showed me their magic and now I think Tinker Bell also has magic because that food came out of nowhere.”

“Of course Tinker Bell has magic. She’s a fairy, and all fairies have magic. As a matter of fact, almost everything has magic,” Peter explained gently.

“Everything? Including humans?”

“Yes, including humans. I’ll explain that to you later,” Peter said. “Now eat. You’re very skinny already. Do you eat normally?”

“Yes,” Harry responded, not telling the truth but not lying either.

‘Well, to me it’s normal,’ Harry thought to himself. He hesitantly ate some food, his eyes widening at the taste. After that, Harry had no problem eating what was on his plate. Peter made sure to put a lot of food on the plate. He wanted Harry to eat everything, but when Harry was about half-way through, he could eat no more. Peter decided not to push his luck. Dinner was soon over and everybody gathered around Peter. He was going to tell them a story, and Harry smiled widely. He was never allowed to listen to stories. Only Dudley got told them and Aunt Petunia made sure they were told in his room right before going to bed.

Peter recounted his tale of Cinderella, telling the boys about the bravery she displayed as she slashed viciously at some pirates. The Lost Boys cheered loudly, listening with rapt attention. Harry soon felt his eyes get heavier, and pretty soon he was asleep on Peter’s shoulder. Peter grinned a little and finished his story. Tinker Bell ushered the other boys to bed as Peter took Harry to his little house. She stretched widely and flew to her tiny living area. She was very tired from the long day and wanted nothing more than a good night’s sleep. Absentmindedly she noticed Peter coming back into the hideout with a large goofy grin before he also turned in for the night.

“Peter, please come down here. Your mother and I would like to have a word with you.”

Peter put down his book before leaving his room and walking down the stairs. He noticed his mother and father sitting down and he gulped. Did he do something wrong? Why did they look so serious? Peter sat down as well after his father gestured him to do so.

“Father, Mother,” he greeted formally.

“Peter,” his mother started, “as you know, your eleventh birthday is coming up soon.”

“Yes, I know,” Peter responded, a little confused.

“When you turn eleven, you’ll receive your acceptance letter to Hogwarts,” his father continued. “At Hogwarts, you will take your studies seriously so that when you grow up, you’ll have a lot of opportunities.”

“But, I don’t want to grow up,” Peter protested. He turned to look at his mother. “Mother, please tell me I don’t have to grow up. Please.”

“I’m sorry, Peter. It’s for the best.”

“Emily, don’t coddle the boy,” his father said sternly. “Now, listen to me, Peter. You will be attending Hogwarts, and you will master the art of Potions. Is that understood?”

Peter stood up and glared at his parents. “I hate you both,” he muttered before running out of the front door. He ignored his father’s yells and his mother’s pleas. Peter didn’t know where he was going, but he knew he couldn’t go back home. He didn’t want to grow up—ever. Soon, Peter stood in front of a very dense forest. Without a second thought, he ran into it. When Peter was sure that he was far away, he collapsed at the base of a tree.

He had known since he was six that he’d have to go to Hogwarts eventually. He just didn’t expect to go so soon. Peter sighed tiredly and put his head in his lap. A sudden noise had his head snapping up and he looked around widely. Directly above him was a fairy. She was pretty young and looked at him curiously.

◦You are a human child, are you not? What are you doing here?◦ she asked quietly. Peter frowned; he couldn’t understand a word she said. All he had heard was a series of chimes and bells.

“I’m sorry; I can’t understand you.”

The fairy frowned slightly. She inspected Peter thoroughly before grinning. ◦Alright, I have decided that you are worthy enough to be my companion,◦ she announced, despite the fact that he couldn’t understand her. ◦Now, all I need to do is give you some of my blood,◦ she muttered.

The fairy looked around before spotting a rather sharp twig. Using the tip, she cut herself a little on her hand and held it out to him. Peter looked at it funnily and she rolled her eyes. She motioned for him to drink it, and Peter scrunched his nose.

“Ill, you want me to drink your blood?” he asked. “Are you crazy?”

The fairy sighed tiredly and flew up to him. Forcibly prying his lips open, she stuck her hand in his mouth. Peter was about to scream when he realized that her blood didn’t taste like blood. It wasn’t coppery, but it was in fact very sweet. Kind of like sugar.

◦What’d you do that for?◦ Peter cried incredulously, not realizing he spoke a different language.

◦That was so that you can understand me,◦ the fairy explained. ◦Do human boys know nothing?

◦Hey, I do know things!◦ Peter retorted. ◦It’s not everyday I meet a fairy that wants me to drink her blood!◦

◦Stop being so melodramatic. The reason you had to drink my blood was so that we can establish a connection. This allows you to understand me. I’m Tinker Bell, by the way,◦ the fairy said, sticking her hand out.

◦I’m Peter Pan. Why’d you want to establish a connection with me?◦ Peter asked, confused.

◦You seem interesting enough. Tell me, Peter, what exactly do you know?

◦I know how to read, write, do math, and other things. Why?◦

◦Well, you obviously don’t know much about magic and such.◦ Tinker Bell seemed to be in thought. ◦Alright then. I have decided that I will teach you what I know. Unfortunately, I’m not very knowledgeable in a lot of human magic, but I can perhaps teach you theory and history.◦

◦How would you know history? You look not much older than me!◦

◦I’m a fairy, numbskull! That means my aging patterns are different than yours. So of course I look your age. Don’t question your elders!◦ Tinker Bell admonished. Peter rolled his eyes.

◦Whatever. Why are you going to teach me anyways? You barely know me. And how come you didn’t bother asking where I’m from or why I’m here all by myself?◦

◦You obviously have your reasons for being alone in the dark woods. I won’t bother asking; it’s your business. Besides, I deemed you worthy enough to be my companion. I can’t have a stupid companion, now can I? So, stop being so ungrateful and get your lazy hide up. We have to find shelter.

Peter frowned slightly before sighing. He got up and followed Tinker Bell. He didn’t know where he was going to go, but he didn’t have anything to lose. Tinker Bell sprinkled some dust on Peter and smiled.

◦What was that for?◦ he asked, looking at her curiously. Tinker Bell wanted to smack her forehead.

◦Fairy Mother, please give me the strength to put up with my new charge,◦ she muttered. ◦That was so that you can fly. All you have to do is think happy thoughts and then we’ll be off.

◦Where are we going?◦

◦To Neverland. You don’t want to grow up, right? Then Neverland is where you need to go in order to stay young forever.

◦Forever?◦ Peter asked, looking at Tinker Bell with eyes brimming with innocence.

Tinker Bell’s eyes softened. ◦Yeah, forever.

That’s all it took for Peter to let go. The thought of him being young forever had him soaring into the air. He smiled at the thought of never having adult responsibilities and happily followed Tinker Bell to Neverland, where his new life waited for him.

A/N: I’ve included some of Peter’s past life at the end of this chapter. Any confusion will be cleared up in the next couple of chapters. I’ve re-read this chapter many times, so there shouldn’t be any mistakes. I also corrected mistakes from the previous chapter. Reviews are greatly appreciated and welcome; please let me know how you like this idea. I hope it’s original enough. I spent a lot of time on this. This chapter has been beta-ed by Maxim. Bow down to him!!