Dear Diary...

June 11th

Last past days, I totally preoccupied by this new game I discovered. It's advertisement is everywhere I guess. This game really got my entire interest till i forgot to write in this diary.

Last night, I met this girl, from Arab(she told me). Well, it's kinda interesting to meet people from those country. I mean, I'd never got the chance to go there but yet, with this new world communication I got to meet people over there. Great!

Right now, I'm listening to Soledad by Westlife. Some of my friends would say it's an old fashioned song but yet, I love it because it gives me relaxation. The tune and notes used in this song really effect my nerve system to operate productively and I really need it right now because after writing this diary, I need to continue my task, completing the flow plan for the final meeting next Wednesday.

Yosh!!! I had to go now. Hopefully I could finish up my task earlier so I could play games later.
