Hello everyone and welcome to my World of Nothingness, ha ha ha ha.
Name: Nicole
Age: 18
Birthday: August 29th...meaning I`m like a Virgo
Location: Australia
Fav. Food: Meat
Fav. Anime: Naruto
Fav. Game: MGS(Metal Gear Solid)
I looove Solid Snake to death! ha ha ha ha ha. So, please enjoy my site...even though it may bore the hell out of ye! ha ha ha ha ha.
WEll, Confirmation classes are finally over so I`ll be soon confirmed! Finally! No more waking up in the early morn of Saturday, ha ha ha ha!! The whole confirming thing takes place on Saturday...I think. So my mom had to buy me this ¨dress¨ tha...
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Well...it turns out my cuts aren´t going to be so infected since I put medicine on them and what not. And me an my mom are doing okay now. Geez...you don´t know how lonely I am on the Otaku. It´s so boring! I have no friends or nothing...this new otaku sucks. Not really but I´m just sayin it because I´m mad. Ha ha ha ha.
Um, My dog bit me in the thigh today. It hurts pretty bad. I accidently slapped her across the face out of defense. But man...did she get scared! ha ha ha ha!!
Hey everyone.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I cut my hair yesterday. But I got in trouble for it...like so bad. Because I had my friend cut it for me. I totally didn`t know I wasn`t supposed to! Seriously! And then my mom started yelling at me all the rest of the day! So now I can`t play video games for another week...not like I had any games to play....and I can`t go to my friends house. also...I was kind of feeling really weird and sad about myself that I scratched my arm up. Its totally infected and stinging right now...ha ha ha ha.
Um...I haven`t been able to put up new pictures because of the stupid Otaku size limit...not like I had any new pictures or anything....but you know...
Just the other day...aherm...Saturday. I went to an anime convention.
Me and my friends...and my mom, all took a bus there. Since were cheap and don`t own cars, ha ha ha ha. The whole reason why we were all going was because the admission was free and stuff.
Anyways...when we got there. It was so packed with all these freaks dressed crappily as anime characters. It made me kind of feel out of place. Because I didn`t even make an attempt of even dressing NICE! If you know what I mean...ha ha ha ha. But I would have to say the thing that sucked the most was the fact that it was outside. And it was freakin hot! I don`t even know why it was hot! It just was that day! Gosh...it totally sucked.
It also sucked that I had no money to buy anything...you don`t know how tempted I was just to steal something! It was sooo packed I probably could`ve gotten away with it! Good thing my friend was so nice! I actually did end up buying two pins. One of Sephiroth and one of Leon from Resident evil. I was also very lucky to find money on the floor before we were going to leave. Giving me enough money to buy a Metal Gear Solid soundtrack. Which I have listend to already 4 times...or 6...i dunno. The music is so dramatic. It`s nice to listen to when or if your sad. Makes you lots more depressed.
But that`s basically all that happened. How was your Saturday or weekend?
Well, turns out my playstation is going to be just fine....did I say that already?
my dog keeps puking up crap. I`m not worried...but my mom is. I don`t really like that stupid dog. All she does is bark and poop. And guess who has to clean up that shit? Me...obviously.
Yesterday I made my mom cry...on accident. The scary thing was I really had to push myself to feel sorry for her...is that wrong?