Hello everyone! Here I am again to tell you about all the lame things that are going on right now.
First of all...this computer is loading extremely slow...so...I`m kind of mad.
Second of all. I got the job but I need a permit to work supposedly and I don`t have one! AGH! So now I have to go get one and blah blah blah. It`s been very hectic and stupid. Me and my mom had to go walking from school to school looking for someone to sign me one..a permit thingy. But no one wanted to because I wasn`t there student..or something. It was retarted. I got mad. The day was ruined. The only thing that kept me going was thinking of Snake...aw...he`s so handsome and beautiful.
Also. I got in trouble for not listening to my dad. So he took my playstation away for a month. It sucks...now I have nothing to do. Except go to my friends house and watch tv and look through magazines! Yee...boring.
Hope you all have a wonderful day, later!
I´m so so so sorry I haven`t been able to go to anyones sites and what not. I promise once my family and I get more money I´ll be online lots more! Please don`t leave!! ha ha ha ha.
Gah, I hate this site it`s not letting me do anything right. Like I can`t even subscribe to people or send pms...it`s ridiculous!
I`m going in on a job interview on friday. Please wish me luck. I have had no job experience and I`m very nervous. My mom has been trying to practice with me...but I don`t think it`s working.
Well that`s all the news for now...
I would`ve posted a picture of snake...however I have ran out of time...perhaps another time. hee hee hee.
Alright....glad to hear that some of my friends still comment, ha ha ha. Makes me feel all warm and green inside...which isn`t too fantastic.
Hello...right, bad news. I decided to delete all the old pms that would be impossible for me to answer. And I don`t really see the point becuase ...well they`re like months old! But no worries...I`ll be sending new ones in my short time of being here...I guess.
Hmm...I have only half an hour...but no worries I`m selling a picture! So...I`ll probably have more time later! Like by next monday or something.
And incase you didn`t notice I put up that oboro picture. I wont be putting up any new art any time soon...because I have no money for scanning and stuff. So...that sucks.
I am working on a comic. But It`s pretty hard for me to keep motivated. Gar!
My friend bought super smash bros brawl. It`s so awesome! Snake is my best character...and omg he`s drop dead gorgeous!!!

I`m going to go subscribe to people now...later!
Hello everyone....or to everyone who remembers I still exist for that matter! I haven`t been online in soooo long!! You wanna know why? Well...there`s two reasons...1 is because since I went to the hospital we have been totally low on money...and two is because the internet stand which i usually attend to is now closed. Totally left without warning.
Ha ha ha...I hate version vibrant---don`t understand it at all. WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS!!??
hee heee....we got a puppy. It`s like a pit bull. She`s so smart...I would write more but I don`t have that much time...well later...ha ha ha ha. I probably wont be online in another couple of weeks...please try to understand.
Love`s and kisses....I guess