Hello people! Man, I could not sleep last night...at all!! OMG! It wasn`t as annoying as I though it would be though. Maybe it`s because my birthday`s coming up, and I`m going to be 18...meaning I can work freely. MEANING I can get payed and buy video games and what not, ha ha ha ha!
Speaking of Video games...I was able to play MS4 yesterday, geez took forever. It was an awesome game! it really was...even though i was kind of lost most of the time...eh heh heh heh...agh! But, it sucked because my friends mom like kicked us out so I was only allowed to play for like...10 minutes. I didn`t even get to finish the first mission! It was total bs. But, man...it was awesome.
That`s about all the news I can think of that happened. Don`t know when i`ll play MGS4 again. But whatever...I`ll soon get my own PS3 and MGS4...and then no one can stop me! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!
So soo sorry about yesterdays lame post of nothingness. I was just not making any sense...and yeah.
So, anyways. We`re planning on getting a P.O. box sometime this week! Meaning my friend from the U.S. can send me my gifts from Comic con!! MEANING!! My autographed art book of MGS!! AGH!! I`m almost fainting and drooling over here, ha ha ha ha.
The other day I bought some new shoes. Well, I didn`t buy them but my mom did. And anyways! They`re nice. They`re like these brown slip on sneakers thingies. Very comfy. AND!! They don`t have holes in them...unlike those other black ones...which I am wearing. Ah ha ha ha. I just have these weird attachments for them. Ha ha ha.
Today I bought some new paper...but I have to share it with my little brother. I don`t know why! He just wastes it...and theres only like 110 sheets. i don`t want to share. GAH!
Hmm...I have 2 gifts left to send. i`m wondering if I should save them...or give them to my other closest friends. Hmm...but who to give them to. Well, I know one...and i guess I could give one to them...hmmm. Ha ha ha ha. This whole thinking doesn`t make sense because you don`t know who I`m talking about! AGH!! Ha ha ha.
Well, that`s enough rambling since...I forgot what I was going to talk about...or write about, ha ha ha.
Noo! My long post was deleted! AGH! I HATE THESE COMPUTERS!!! AGH!
Just...go look at my friends picture...and leave me alone.
You know, I try to be such a nice person! But for what! For all this to happen! Now watch...the rest of my day is going to suck for nothing! I have officially no time left on this computer because i decided to be a nice member and coment on all my friends updates! And for what! AGH!!! I`m very angry right now...but calming down slowly And hopefully this post doesn`t get deleted to! Bah!
Aherm. We`re going to be a getting a p.o. box soon so that`s something to be happy about ..agh forget it, I`ll write about it tomorrow.
Well, it`s early saturday morning today and I am bored! I`m probably going to my new friends house. Her name is Dianna. Clever...not really. So, maybe! MAYBE I´ll be online again. Or MAYBE!! I`ll go scan a picture of Dr. Two Brains again. That would be awesome. Ha ha ha ha. I`m going to give her a gift today. Like say...some japaneese popcorn I found at the store. Its pretty crazy. It`s like soy butter popcorn and the whole package is in Japaneese. Even the box. It`s pretty cool. I hope she likes my generic present, ha ha ha ha ha.
Haven`t been able to play MGS4 yet.
Oh man! My friend fromt the US yesterday called me but ....I missed the call! GAG!! I was taking a shower in freezing water. AGH!! Hopefully he calls again today. I`m just crossing my fingers here. Ì`m going to go delete some of my old art...including that horrible chibi I drew, ha ha ha. I hate that picture.
Well, I`ll see you all later.
Bye bye.

ha ha ha, I made a new friend yesterday and she`s really cool. She likes anime to and stuff. It was nice to have a girl as a friend for once. I`m so used to talking to boys...man it is very different suprisingly enough. The cool thing though is that she has a scanner and maybe if I`m friends with her long enough she`ll let me scan some pictures! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! But, don`t get me wrong...that`s not the only reason why I want to be her friend! Believe me! Ha ha ha.
Well, that`s about all the news I can think of. Buh Bye.