Well, it`s early saturday morning today and I am bored! I`m probably going to my new friends house. Her name is Dianna. Clever...not really. So, maybe! MAYBE I´ll be online again. Or MAYBE!! I`ll go scan a picture of Dr. Two Brains again. That would be awesome. Ha ha ha ha. I`m going to give her a gift today. Like say...some japaneese popcorn I found at the store. Its pretty crazy. It`s like soy butter popcorn and the whole package is in Japaneese. Even the box. It`s pretty cool. I hope she likes my generic present, ha ha ha ha ha.
Haven`t been able to play MGS4 yet.
Oh man! My friend fromt the US yesterday called me but ....I missed the call! GAG!! I was taking a shower in freezing water. AGH!! Hopefully he calls again today. I`m just crossing my fingers here. Ì`m going to go delete some of my old art...including that horrible chibi I drew, ha ha ha. I hate that picture.
Well, I`ll see you all later.
Bye bye.