So soo sorry about yesterdays lame post of nothingness. I was just not making any sense...and yeah.
So, anyways. We`re planning on getting a P.O. box sometime this week! Meaning my friend from the U.S. can send me my gifts from Comic con!! MEANING!! My autographed art book of MGS!! AGH!! I`m almost fainting and drooling over here, ha ha ha ha.
The other day I bought some new shoes. Well, I didn`t buy them but my mom did. And anyways! They`re nice. They`re like these brown slip on sneakers thingies. Very comfy. AND!! They don`t have holes in them...unlike those other black ones...which I am wearing. Ah ha ha ha. I just have these weird attachments for them. Ha ha ha.
Today I bought some new paper...but I have to share it with my little brother. I don`t know why! He just wastes it...and theres only like 110 sheets. i don`t want to share. GAH!
Hmm...I have 2 gifts left to send. i`m wondering if I should save them...or give them to my other closest friends. Hmm...but who to give them to. Well, I know one...and i guess I could give one to them...hmmm. Ha ha ha ha. This whole thinking doesn`t make sense because you don`t know who I`m talking about! AGH!! Ha ha ha.
Well, that`s enough rambling since...I forgot what I was going to talk about...or write about, ha ha ha.