Ploop plate

So, my life so far has had slightly some more excitement. I called the job I´m trying to apply for...and they said my interview was tomorrow! Meaning I have to take the bus downtown go for a quick interview and wait around for a couple hours waiting for someone to pick me up or something. Or maybe I will be able to go home early by myself. Even though I don´t really want to because I want to go to the Sony store and use free internet! ha ha ha! The computers there are so nice...and sexy.

Speaking of sexy I have been playing Devil May Cry a lot lately. Seems to me my old but new crave. I love that´s beautiful. Shooting up demon heads and watching shirtless men run around, ha ha ha ha. Very nice. I started a new game with is going a lot better than my last one. ha ha ha. I was just so used to playing as vergil that things got kind of weird but now it´s all better.

You know that Halloween party that´s coming up? Yeah...the one my supposed friend told me I was invited to. I`m not so sure I´m inivited anymore. Like she has been ignoring me for the longest time. She hates me and tries to avoid me...I think. That´s kind of rude don´t you think? I mean if she hated me then why couldn´t she just say it to my face. Scared little bitch, sheesh.

I have the whole house to myself this morning. I´m going to clean and then work on my comic. Yay! ha ha ha. And when my mom´s friends come over I´ll play Devil May Cry. Yep, that´s my day. Man, I hope I do good on the interview tomorrow. I hate being nervous. I tell myself all the time not to be nervous. Or I feel like I´m going to be okay...but when the situation happens I freak and my heart tries to escape out of my chest. Stupid heart you know you cant run away from your problems, ha ha ha ha!! My mom keeps telling me that people are going to say stuff about me and not to listen to them and what not. I already know not to let what people say get a hold of me. I´ve been through it all before and now it has no offense. But it does kind of make me upset that she would say that...and she keeps repeating herself! Agh...GAH

I went to my mom´s friends house the other day to eat some pizza. It was fun. But my moms friend was all hating on me because she hates my grey sweater. She told my mom that I should throw it away and stuff. I love my grey sweater! ha ha ha...even though I admit it smelled of something foul. She hates me! I swear she does! She always talks about how mean I am and what not....I just think she hasnt gotten over the fact that I dated her son behind her back. Hey it was his idea not mine lady! ha ha ha.

Well, I´ve wrote enough for one day. Sorry I had to bore you to death. Sheesh.

Oh, I´m thinking about making a seprete world for my comic...but I´m not too sure about it. What do you think?
