I love pugs! I want one so bad but we cant afford to take care of one or even buy one right now! But gooood how I loooove them!! ha ha ha. i think i might even love them more than pidgeons, ha ha ha.
Oh yeah...I got grounded for making my brother cry. No more video games for three weeks. It´s not my fault he´s such a wuss, sheesh. And to make things worse I only got to work one day next week. On monday...in the morning! NoooOOOooOOO! that means I wont have anyone to talk to! No costumers to make happy and inform them about our sales!!! Ha ha ha ha. But I guess...it´ll give more time to work on my comic I know how much you guys hate that word, ha ha ha.
oh I changed my avatar again! Woo hoo...I think this ones a keeper.