Sorrowful Memories (Intro)

Hello there! Well this is just the introduction for Gil's past! Ive never submitted something about his past and how did he end in the mansion far away of his beloved little brother... Off course as usual Val helped me to improve some things and here is the result!

The other part will be posted soon... I guess... I start exams this coming week and I have to study like a crazy...


She was right when she told me the place was beautiful and well hidden if you wanted to be alone. At the very moment Hoom saw my face that morning she told me about the place and told me I should go there to relax.

To tell you the truth those worlds surprised me since I even wasn’t thinking about being alone; however when she said it, then maybe she was right… Or maybe she was simply tired of my face, well at least her previous comments demonstrated that. Things such as “Gil change your Gloomy face or I might take serious measurements!” “Would you please tell me what’s wrong with you?” and “you’ve been acting weird lately” were the first things she would say, then I would answer with a “really there’s nothing wrong…” We both knew that lying was not an option so until there everything was right…I wasn’t lying at all….

But one thing led to another and I led me be convinced by her.
I looked to the sky and discovered the trees were tall enough to hide the direct rays of sun, still it was a warm yet fresh place and at the same time I arrived there I understood why she said she loved that place so much. I sat down laying my back against a log and breathed several times until the dancing leaves of the trees made me sleepy, when I was about to fall sleep my ears twitched reacting to a near sound and my nose codified the sweet and familiar scent; Rosie was there.

“Gil?”She finally talked

“Rosie? How did you arrive here? Don’t tell me you are some kind of stalker and-”

“Please stop your strange thoughts Gil, I’m not a stalker, it’s just that…”

“That…?” My face turned to her since she was sitting in the log I was laying in.

“Well, Hoom and I arrived to the conclusion that there was something strange with you and I was just checking everything was right.”

“So, Hoom told you where I was?.... And I thought this was supposed to be a secret place…”

“Actually…She told me only few people knew about this place and that if I dare to talk about it she was going to burn me…then she laughed”
There were some seconds of silence before we both began to laugh

“Yes, that’s her definitely!” I said still laughing.

“Well Gil, now would you tell me if anything is bothering you?”

What was wrong with those two, was it perhaps the unknown sense females had to feel beyond the normal? What where they seeing and feeling that I, myself was not sure of?

“Would you mind to help me try to discover it?” Rosie looked at me with a confused face but understood at the moment so she simply kept talking about random things; maybe with that plan, the problem was going to arise….

“Tell me about your family” I said because of curiosity and also because it was a subject who had the top place on the list of “things to worry about”
The Roselia doubted for a while and finally sighed

“Fine I’ll tell you…Now, don’t laugh if this sounds like a strange story ok?” She smiled back at me and, I mean, who in this world could deny something coming from such a cute and sweet girl? I smiled back and she continued “Well, I was born in a powerful family; I was educated to be a strong woman who was going to succeed and take the lead over the family; at first I was fine with it since it all was like a princess tale but things begin to change as I grew up. When I had the required age, my father engaged me with a guy I didn’t know….At that time I took the decision that it wasn’t something I wanted; I mean who would want to marry someone just for the sake of continuing a bloodline right?”
For a moment our eyes crossed with the other; she wasn’t aware of how similar we were in that aspect….

“My mother supported me and at the end she was the one who helped me escape from my home; I left her with a difficult task but her support only made me more determined to keep going forward in order to live my life. And then I ended here….That’s all; what about you Gil?”

As she kept talking the feeling of sleepiness came to me again so I was surprised with her phrase.

“Gil, don’t fall asleep as we talk; I just want to know more about you…”

Her question was made so innocently that it made me found out that my family was the problem…The only one I told about it was Hoom and since that time I thought it wouldn’t bother me anymore but analyzing the situation it was obvious it still was…

I decided to tell her everything as soon as the images of that day began to appear on my head.
