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This is a world I have created for diverse purposes. I will write about my days as a SOLDIER but also various other things. My friends are invited to do the same. Don't post anything humiliating, Genesis, or I will have your head shaved...

Those being said, welcome to my world *stretches arms out*


Is this picture. Had to post. Enjoy ^^

Seph and Cloud

Look Sephy, it's your little cadet~

from LALAax on dA


The Boys

Dead world is dead. And Gen, you're a brat.

Lonnnnnnng Sword

No wonder everyone is jealous of you. Just take a look at how long that sword is. *grins*

Randomly, I watched X-Play's choices of their favorite top 5 Characters from Final Fantasy. I have to say, I was pretty disappointed that they chose all characters from VII. Don't get me wrong, I love VII to pieces, it's just like...you should categorize it as TOP FIVE OF SEVEN, if you aren't going to even include at least one other series.

1: Sephiroth
2: Cloud
3: Aerith
4: Vincent
5: Tifa

So, thought I would share it with you, just so you have more bragging rights, outside of your long arse sword. *laughs*


Careful, wouldn't want all that pretty hair to get singed. *snerks*
