Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Ahh! It's a rerun!

Castle is not new tonight. I think I shall play games instead.

Also, since I have my camera out and have been taking pictures of things that have since been unpacked . . . here's the stuff on the shelf to my left which tends to fall over when wiggled (stupid Best Buy figures with no sense of balance and coming with no stands . . .)

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I fear these falling far less than I do the shot glasses.

Leeching off of theO's Bandwidth . . .

I'm disappointed in people. And I wanted to keep everything embedded in theO's stuff. So yeah.

I'll make a different blog post later.

Practically Unpacked!

Yeah, work was fine yesterday. Busy, but fine. I reckon today should be similar.

Finally put out my "memorabilia" shelf and lined up my swords the other day in my room. It's decent enough. Anyway, some of you'll probably recognize a few things:

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And then there were swords . . .

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I don't have anymore boxes I need to unpack. This pleases me.

Also, I hope all the Amercs in the audience enjoyed Thanksgiving well enough. Don't die shopping today now, okay?

I'll Feel Better In The Morning

So I totally almost sold a guy a PS3 and a game tonight at work. And the guy had a fake credit card.

I have never felt luckier to have both my supervisor AND store manager in the area at the time. Totally fake credit card, too, one we all started really looking over it . . . man, I really fucked up today.

So the guy got away with the receipt (but not the goods), so in theory if he were to get a hold of a PS3 he could feasibly try to use that receipt to return it or something. In any case, I think my supervisor sent a notice out to the other stores about the guy.

Oh, manager also confiscated his fake card, which was awesome.

It's one of those "hindsight is 20/20" deals. I was just so eager to sell an old 80 gigabyte PS3 (we've been stuck with a bunch even after the slims came out) that I overlooked why a guy would be so eager to buy the old PS3 system. And overlook that there's a no tax day the very next day.

And use a passport as his ID.

And have a super flimsy "must've been glued together paper or something" card.

And the hologram on the back was totally peeling off.

And the card image itself was blurry and faded.

And the signature strip was a striped yellow instead of white.

. . . so yeah. I felt really stupid after that.

LUCKILY, my supervisor noticed that the numbers on the credit card did not match up with the numbers on the receipt/screen and snatched the card back right away. After a whole "oh wow, that's weird, I should get that checked out..." routine, the guy bolted.

Needless to say, the whole ordeal made me feel all out of it afterwards because I had dropped the ball spectacularly. It all ended well enough (and we "returned" the money to whatever card information the guy had been using), but yeah. I felt dumb and mostly felt that way rest of the day (though I joked about it and stuff too).

Whatever. I'll feel better in the morning. Really, I already mostly do after Glee ended.

So yeah. To summarize: retail is scary sometimes.

Almost Completely Unpacked . . .

I finally cracked out my adult-life-long collection of shot glasses. I started in high school, felt that was the ideal little sort of thing to collect as a means to show off where I've been . . .

. . . and then that collection got overtaken by glasses from all the places my parents have now been . . . one day when I have more shelf space again, I'll probably re-sort them by that account . . .

. . . . . in any case, after seeing this, you'll probably understand why I never unboxed them the first time I moved:

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I'm so going to break something before the year is out . . .

. . . other than that, I've been away from the internet because I have Assassin's Creed 2 which is blowing my mind with amazement. Also, I may or may not have uncovered the truth behind Adam and Eve and the Apple . . .

. . . hot damn . . .