Good News: I got home early enough to watch Being Erica on TV. 'Tis a sweet little Canadian dramedy, 'tis.
Bad News: I totally got sick again. Stupid Ed blames the ghosts that haunted us Friday night (he even missed work!).
Good News: I HAVE AN APARTMENT!!! Mom came with me to look around on Monday. She takes a bit of credit, she feels. In any case, I shall not go homeless starting November. Despite the no elevator (it's on the 3rd floor, will complicate moving), no balcony and no reserved parking, it's less expensive than my current place and is 700 square feet which is pretty big considering what I'll be paying. So yay!
Bad News: I can't find my cheques for my bank account that I think they credit-checked me for. I don't think they came with me during the move. I hope this does not complicate things . . .
Good News: Rock Band DLC today/yesterday: Queen! Ten songs, all brilliant. I should download that now, actually . . .
Bad News: 13 Ghosts (the old 60s version) is on TV right now. Evidently, Ouija boards unnerve the hell out of me now since Paranormal Activity. Go fig'.
Good News (to end on): Penny Arcade made this. Uncharted leads to hilarity. Always.