There Will Be Brawl . . .

Dude, that's Kyle Hebert . . . we love that guy!

Just started watching "There Will Be Brawl", a web series that's apparently been going on for the better part of this year now. Currently it's up to its seventh episode and has just two more to go.

The series basically goes, "what if Super Smash Bros. Brawl was a dystopian noir world of crime bosses, crooked cops, and serial mutilators?" It's dark, it's violent, it's vulgar, and it's also incredibly funny. Luigi is also the star, which makes me super happy - I've always been a Luigi kinda guy.

And Kyle Hebert plays Wario. We love Kyle Hebert here at, y'know.

Anyway, should go without saying that this is pretty intense, so it's not for youngins. But if you're mature enough for a cannibalistic Kirby and a Princess Peach who feels you should think of her as a slut . . . this is a crazy good series!
