Well now ain't that clever!

Picked up Heavy Rain today, just finished installing it. Now, Heavy Rain is a PS3 game that's essentially a murder mystery where the story changes based on every little decision you make, may it be to climb up the muddy hill to check for clues or whether you choose to hug your one son first instead of the other when you come home from work.

Or something like that. Anyway, the murderer is a serial killer known as the "Origami Killer" who leaves origami thingies at his murders. Box art (that doesn't indulge in North America wet tanktoppery) as follows:

External Image

And lo and behold, what do they leave you inside the box to play with (including instructions on the screen while the game installs)?

I think I love that little touch. If I'm lucky (and if the reviews so far are true), this should be a pretty special little game . . .

Olympic News:

Gold and silver in women's 2-person bobsled! Booyah!

AND bronze in women's 5000m speed skating!

AND we beat Russia in men's hockey! Told ya we're not done yet.


. . . . . oh goddamnit . . .

Alright, so I've been playing for a couple hours. Seems this Origami Killer only kills boys about 9-13 years old after abducting them 3-5 days earlier.

Well . . . my son disappeared in the park. I went to the police station to make the report.

They asked me about what time it happened . . .

. . . and the game gave me options on what time I thought it happened.

Then I needed to give a description of what my son was wearing, what colour pants and jacket.

. . . . . I really, really hope Shaun was wearing a brown coat and beige pants . . .

I am the worst father ever . . .

That said, Heavy Rain is a very, very unique game. I'm excited. Even though my son is probably going to end up dead. And it'll be all my fault and I will feel extremely guilty. Crikes, when the hell did games get so good at this stuff?!
