Red Kicked Our Asses

Played Brawl online last night for the first time. Played with Red and Duo. Red was a monster, as expected. But to make up for that, I kept getting the smash balls which frustrated her (bwahaha).

Funny thing about me: I'm horrible in a 1-on-1, but put me in a solid free-for-all and I'll put up a far more decent fight . . . probably means I'm just a cheap, opportunistic bastard, but y'know . . .

So yeah, that was fun. Running back to the computer in between matches to chat was a little lame for us, but ah well.

At least I know it works now, right?

Other than that . . . been watching a lot of Rambo DVDs. Great special features, that super collector's set. Newest Rambo is great, too - .50 caliber weaponry was never so pretty on screen . . . if you like your crazy action/war stuff, you're more likely than not to like the new Rambo movie.

Mostly, I just the irony of how a few weeks ago Burma gets hit by a deadly cyclone, kills hundreds of thousands, and the Burmese government is getting criticised for not getting international aid to the people fast enough (or at all). Then, this week a movie directly criticising Burma's military government's civil war with the indigenous Karen comes out on DVD. That's some brutal timing for them, huh? Guess now we just see if the Rambo exposure to the issue in Burma does anything in the next little while . . .

So that was my time away from the computer.

At the computer, I finally wrote up my report of the Yoshida Brothers concert I went to on Saturday, posted it on the Official World as well as put it into Fan Words. Go read that. It'll be good for you.

And holy crap, Adam's comin' to Vancouver today!
