Thanksgiving +1 . . .

Last night was fun. Saw everyone again, everyone else got to see everyone else again . . . we had an assload of food for about ten people, too. Lots of rice, lots of potatoes. Just kinda happened that way.

Myself, I made a pretty sweet fried rice with barbecued pork. I'm also really proud that it only took me about 20 minutes to make it all (including the first smaller batch without meat). Came out nicely, people who were in the kitchen with me at the time got to see I wasn't completely useless with a wok (bwahaha, ahh, the wok . . .), and it was tasty.

The turkey itself was amazing. Kudos to Dr. Haraguchi downstairs for roasting a hell of a bird. Super moist with juices dripping out of everywhere as I carved it . . . he says it was his first time roasting a turkey; I say he shall have to do this more often.

And yes, you read that pronoun correctly: this was the first year I had ever carved a turkey. No pressure or anything, hey? Well, it worked out well enough. Took me about 15 minutes (including a couple where I had to stop to take a phone call), but it worked out well enough. As for why I know the timing, it was because one friend filmed the whole thing as it happened - if I can get that YouTubed, I'll share it. But yes. Seems I've a new skill to start conditioning. Fun.

That Europe-travelling friend also got me a Venetian mask. It's pretty sweet. Though, it's a shame - apparently my head is a lot bigger than most Venetians, I guess. Still, sweet assed mask, and I'm quite happy to have it.

Also, Castle was fun tonight. Time travel and whatnot.

I'm gonna call this one as a fun night. Yeah, this was a good Thanksgiving . . . and now, time to prepare for a week of morning shifts!
