The Terri Tab Begins . . .

I find it hilarious that my store had Black Friday type sales today (and will have a bit more tomorrow). Canada has Boxing Day the day after Christmas to get retarded for shopping, so it was interesting to see what kind of stuff we had on sale in my department.

For one, a PSP bundled with LittleBigPlanet, a memory card, and a UMD of "The Karate Kid" all for $129.99 (Canadian dollars, no less).

Regular price for JUST the PSP alone is $169.99, so yeah.

Anyway, friend wanted me to tell her when we had sales for PSPs, so I told her. She said she was strapped for cash, I told her she could pay me back whenever. I do know where she lives, after all.

So yes. The "Terri Tab" begins . . . bwahaha . . .
