I got a 500gb hard drive for my PS3. Switched out the old 60 and transplanted that bad boy in - backing up the old stuff notwithstanding, surprisingly easy process.
On the third day of Christmas, I spent many hours after work reconstructing my Rock Band song library. Then I added "The Touch" by Stan Bush after I found out that existed. I do love that song.
Beyond that, just tried to clean up a little. Lots of plastic bags were put away, a bunch of papers on my desk were finally junked . . . though to be fair, I needed space for some new tech I grabbed from Boxing Day sales. Got myself a 23" monitor and a new external drive.
As of now, I'm still only halfway to backing up my PC. I may need to leave this running all through day 4 of Christmas.
Oh yeah, Christmas itself was pleasant. Drank scotch with my stepdad before 1pm, had lunch with family and friends, and hung out with my godson a whole bunch throughout the day. It's great because at 14 months, he's finally starting to grow a personality (dog-lover, outgoing, likes video games, knows his alphabet kinda).
Then the next day I slept in before finally getting up to consider Boxing Day shopping. Monitor and hard drive seemed like a fair deal.
It's funny, that reminds me: I ended up getting my godson that Iron Man Mr. Potato Head. I reckon his dad will be responsible enough to not let him try to eat a piece of it and die. He'll be a'ight.
Aaaaaaaaaand, that's all I'm gonna say about what gifts I got for other people. 'Cause really, what meaning does it have to anyone if I mention that I got my sister-in-law pajamas and an iTunes gift card? It's not that it's nobody's business; more so, it's just . . . who actually cares, y'know?